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28-01-14, 10:08
I no for a fact I have piles inside & out. But I'm experiencing a ache in my anus & rectum. It's a dull ache and seems more obvious when I need a poo or to pass wind. I'm freaking out its actually anal cancer or something!! I started the suppositories last night! I have been constipated in the last wk. but why do I have this aching 😖😖😖😖 I'm so scared as I no 2 woman in my city that died of anus cancer!

28-01-14, 10:57
Ive had external piles off/on. Ive also had the aching which I was told was muscle spasm.
Do you ever get a short sharp pain when passing stool? Its not the Fissure type razor pain..I think the short sharp one is connected to trapped wind.

28-01-14, 11:20
Sometimes but this is like an ache, a fullness & pressure sensation.

28-01-14, 15:07
Ive seen another couple post recently on here about the pressure feeling. I think on the general section ?

28-01-14, 16:19
I had them so badly last year that I literally had to put an ice pack up there! They were agony and took a long time to shrink. I feel your pain and hope you feel more comfortable soon. X

28-01-14, 21:58
Did ur rectum ache or feel when u needed to pass wind!?

29-01-14, 10:09
Anyone 😖

29-01-14, 13:11
Here it is in a nutshell. Sometimes pooping hurts. Whether it be due to cramps, large stool, diarrhea, constipation, gas and a host of other things that have to pass out of our bodies. We get hemorrhoids, fissures, irritations, rashes and a host of other niggles that can cause discomfort and sometimes we're just plain old full of shit! It's a PITA, literally, and it's normal.

Positive thoughts and poo threads ;)

29-01-14, 16:02
Hi hun :D

I am no expert and No gp but I have had piles on and off for a long time.
I have had them soooo sore, I could hardly walk or sit down, they can be very painful and give a aching or throbbing feeling, this is due to the veins pulsating.

What have you taken for them, have you got cream/spray? PUT MORE fiber in your diet, have cool baths NOT hot, keep the area clean.

Hun, you will be surprised just how common hemorrhoids are .
You can go to he chemist and get over the counter cream or spray and have a private chat to the pharmacist or, if your really worried, go see your gp

PEACE of mind goes along way.



29-01-14, 17:35
I agree with Jill, they can definitely ache and throb and you can get a dragging feeling too. Don't know if you are using anything, but you can get a hydrocortisone cream to help shrink them. I am sure my anxiety made it much worse! I'd had them before, but never as bad as that and was convinced (surprise, surprise) it was something worse! Even saw my doctor with them, that was embarrassing! They'll shrink in time. Make sure you eat lots of roughage, drink plenty of water and never strain when you need a BM. X

29-01-14, 18:57
Thanks guys that helps tons!! 😘😘

I'm using prep H & anusol suppositories.

Just freaking. Hate this dam health anxiety.

Will carry on with treatment & hope for the best.


29-01-14, 19:39
Hi hun :D

Its good to hear your reply's helped :D

Just remember is going to take a few days for them to calm down.

wishing you well


29-01-14, 22:09
Can I ask if ur buttocks & tailbone ached too?

29-01-14, 22:29
Of course you can ask :D

To be honest, I was that sore with the pile,s I found it very hard to sit down, I was in a lot of pain becuase of the piles so an ache elsewhere I would not have noticed.

It could be that your sitting funny because of the piles. I had to find different ways to try and sit down, even laying down was a bit awkward.

Hun, have you been over doing thing recently eg exerciser, more walking, I only ask this because my friends buttocks were hurting and she found it was due to a change in the chair where she works, it was higher than her normal chair and she had to jump a little to get on it, which lead to her using her buttock musculus more.

PLEASE hun, just deal with the piles and see how things go.

If you REALLY worried then talk to your gp..

wishing you well


30-01-14, 20:47
Dear I had absulute same exact feeling or sensation and exact same fear. I have piles but I think the dull pain and the pressure are not due to it. I was scared to death and visited doctor twice. He said I do have piles and prescribed cream and gave mi a full rectal exam which was normal. He though said it may be a kind of rectal spasm which even has a medical name that I forgot but it does exist. Based on my experience it is worse if I do not poop well and , guess what, if I am constantly focusing on it! To be honest with you I am almost 100 % sure it is due to anxiety and obsessing about it. My advice to you to have it looked at and talk to a good GI just for your peace of mind.

30-01-14, 20:54
kind of rectal spasm which even has a medical name that I forgot but it does exist.

I don't know the medical name but I actually got published on Urban Dictionary with my name for it... "Porch Cramp" (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=porch+cramp)

Positive thoughts and porch cramps ;)

31-01-14, 09:34
Thank you guys!!

Great help as always. ❤

Still aching but still using cream.. And trying to focus on something good.