View Full Version : New here

28-01-14, 10:56
Hello, I've had panic attacks for as long as I can remember and I'm only 18 and they are preventing me from living my life. I worry about things that my friends don't even care about and I get my self really worked up.

I'm fed up of having them and just want to get rid of them. I haven't been able to go to multi storey car parks, big shopping centres, some cinemas, I feel like if I haven't been to the place before I can't go there, I've missed out on loads of school/college trips as you've had to take the bus, I feel I can't go abroad on holiday, my panic attacks even prevent me from doing stuff I love doing such as horse riding.
I lived away from home for 2 years and had a panic attack every single day, multiple times, sometimes I wake up in a full blown panic and cannot even get back to sleep.
My panic attacks hit me the worst when I'm in the shower or the bathroom, and I always near enough panic about the same thing, I always spot things which can set my panic off and then I seem to think of them hours later and have a panic attack. I am able to stop my self panicking but sometimes I cannot and they're the worst and recently my panic is getting much worse.

I am now waiting to get a psy through nhs, I haven't been to the doctors about my panic attacks as I don't want to take tablets.
I'm just looking for advise from like minded people on how they combated their panic attacks.