View Full Version : Panic Attack on train

19-11-06, 22:42
This morning on my way to work i had a panic attack...i dont know what is setting me off, it starts off with hot flushes, then wanting to be sick, muscle twitching, tingling in my arms and head spins...i got myself off the train at the next stop and sat down for a bit to get my breath back but was still pretty shaken, im at work now still coming down off the adrenillne that was pumping through my body...anyone have any suggestions as to how to calm when having an attack?

19-11-06, 22:48


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

28-11-06, 05:01
Why do my arms go numb?

Stu M
28-11-06, 20:09
Hi Wonderfly,

I was told when i have a panic attack your extrematies can go numb. Nose, my teeth do (strange one), hands, arms, feet, legs, etc.

This can be because when you panic, your can hyperventilate, 'too much carbon dioxide is breathed out, altering normal body chemistry and disturbing the body's pH (acid/alkaline balance)' which can then give you pins and needles or a numbness feeling.

I get this a lot with panic attacks especially hands, nose and teeth!?! You try telling someone your teeth are tingling and numb, and not get a funny look, lol.

I hope this helps, but if your worried, see your doctor for a checkup. It will put your mind at rest.


01-12-06, 18:43
My symptoms are:
A horrible sensation in an exact point in my chest.An exact point in the scapular bone (timus gland).
The pshyquiatric said that is it only adrenaline and that it can't kill me.
The think is it is horrible and I do anything to avoid that happening.At the same time, because my symptoms are not visible, it is more difficult for people surrounding me to understand.I might tend to lower myself or do some sort of body spasm and then they may notice but it is all inside me.

01-12-06, 19:21
I was told extremities go numb thru lack of carbon dioxide as we have over breathed and got rid of what is essential. We should re-claim carbon dioxide by breathing in and out of a paper bag or if you don't have a bag, then by cupping your hands over your mouth. The Dr. told me that your hands can start turning inwards if enough carbon dioxide leaves your body.

I had a panic attack on a train once as it was pulling in to a station. I jumped up and joined the queue to get off. Unfortunately, it was the middle of nowhere and I had been on the last train. Had to phone a friend to come and get me!!! (100+ miles). Wish I'd have stayed on now as I didn't 'die' afterall!!

Kay x