View Full Version : headaches

28-01-14, 15:31
I don't usually suffer with headaches, but this past week have had one every day and im starting to worry, I went for an eye test today, which was fine. im getting really tempted to google now :(

28-01-14, 15:32
Most headaches can be caused by simply drinking more water.

How much do you drink?

28-01-14, 15:56
I drink quite a bit, but not water, (I drink tea, herbal tea, juice ) I will try drinking water for the rest of the day today, just seems weird ive not changed anything.

28-01-14, 16:14
Stress, squinting, concentration, dehydration and lots of straight forward, non life threatening things can cause headaches but there is not always a reason behind it so don't go looking for one :)! Having a headache set me on my HA journey so please DO NOT google. Like you, I never suffered from headaches but one day I had the headache from hell and for me it wasn't normal. I googled, went into meltdown and the rest is history. I stressed myself out so much I had a headache every day for months - of course it was the thing we all dread. 2 years later I'm still here - funny that!!! Try to relax, forget about it and see how quick it clears up. Big hugs. xx