View Full Version : Problems At Work

28-01-14, 17:16
Good Evening,

I am having some problems at work and was hoping that someone could be able to help me.

Basically, I am under investigation at work and don't know really what to do. I went onto my FB page one night to find someone had hacked my account and found some unsavoury comments on there - however, proving it wasn't me is going to be a challenge as the hack could be minor or a major operation - there is nothing nobody cannot hack, having done a lot of research on the matter.

The first chunk of the comments basically said I once had feelings for my supervisor - admittedly I did but never would I try and get her to do anything against her wishes - she's already stated she's not interested in me.

I'd like to say I was disappointed when she didn't give me a christmas kiss but this was purely on a friendship level and nothing more.

The same woman has herself actually put me down in the office when I said would she consider going out with someone like me and she said no because basically I wasn't good enough.

There were also other comments on there as well as how she was immature in her approach toward relationships but surely this is an opinion? Its not something she isn't aware of what we've talked about before in conversations in the office.

Unfortunately there was a comment that was questionable on my fb page that was sexually explicit and one not so - however, i've looked up sexual harrassment to death on the internet and from what I can gleam, at least in terms of the workplace, it would have to be severe enough to constitute sexual harrassment and repetitive, at least to make a hostile work environment. Surely the same would apply in all types of harrassment?

There were also comments about my inexperience in intercourse - can this count as harrassment as this was about me and nobody else.

Finally there was a comment on there about how I found a job applicant attractive when she came into the office one day.

Also, my workplace left me to work totally on one day without any explanation as to what was going on (although I knew) and had to go to management themselves to find out what was going on. I was asked to a meeting and told that there was to be an investigation and am awaiting a further meeting date.

Can anyone offer any advice? If you need any other info, please don't hesitate to ask.


28-01-14, 17:57
Why would someone hack your account and post comments about someone and events that are apparently true and are thoughts you have had. Not sure I understand that.

28-01-14, 18:14
Someone would have had to know all the details concerning your thoughts in order to post such things. It would seem to me that would leave only those you shared these feelings and thoughts with.

Also, keep in mind, if you logged into your FB account from work, someone there could very well be able to get your log in information as many corporate work places keep tabs on internet activity including key strokes etc.

Something certainly smells rather fishy here.

Good luck and positive thoughts

28-01-14, 19:30
The problem is, I talk to people all the time, both at work and online about work - something I'll learn not to do again.

Sometimes, people can twist things to make things bad for you, even if true or not.

Thank you for your thoughts.
