View Full Version : Hi and terrified

28-01-14, 17:49
Hi there,

I'm very nervous about using this website as don't usually post on forums but feel that I need some like minded souls to talk to as living with GAD which is becoming completely out of control.

I'm 34 and the last few years have been recovering from bipolar 2. Just as I get back to a relative normal state I get hit with the worst anxiety I have ever suffered. I've never felt anything like it. My mind is constantly on the whir and trying self help strategies but not getting anywhere much at the moment. I will post into a separate forum about all but wanted to say hi and hope to hear from someone :(. This is a very lonely road.


28-01-14, 17:59
Welcome Jo, I'm sorry your going through a hard time at the moment, have you tried any CBT or medication?

I'm sure things will get better for you :)

28-01-14, 18:05
Hi Luna,

CBT hasn't worked for me and having an assessment for NHS psychodynamic therapy on Thursday.

I have two med options which I've posted in medication. I have option of Quetiapine or Diazepam but really don't know which way to go. Quetiapine I can use PRN but it does heavily sedate me. The real problem I have is the bipolar being a rapid cycling means I am limited on what meds I can take. I have had most SSRI's and a lot of anti-psyches. The SSRI's cause mania and the others were ineffective so I have limited options.

Thank you for the welcome :)

28-01-14, 20:57
Welcome Jodester, nice to meet you.

28-01-14, 21:28
Hello and welcome to nmp there is lots of good advice and help here :D

29-01-14, 15:30
thank you :)

29-01-14, 15:55
Hi Jo, :welcome:

I'm a newbie too, but have found lots of help & support on the site, & I am sure you will too.

Best wishes

strawberrygirl :flowers:

29-01-14, 18:19
Hi strawberrygirl and welcome to you too. It's just nice to not feel so alone :D.