View Full Version : Just come back from A&E :-(

Female healthanxiety
28-01-14, 18:51
Really wanted to post this on here earlier when I was in the hospital but had no reception in the hospital :-(

2 weeks ago I was walking to the bank for work and I got a (what I've heard fOthers on here) what seemed like a massive ectopic)

A hard irregular heart beat, felt like it was in my throat, top if belly (near my chest) and heart. I continued walking thinking it was a heart palpitation (I used to get these a lot) but it was not that. I had to walk into the nearest house just to get off the street as every small step I took towards the bank; it got worse.

All I can describe it like was like a baby kicking really hard (which is my heart). This lasted about 10/15 seconds, and I managed to get to the bank in a rush.

Today was doing the same and I could not even walk; I had to hold myself up against a tree and tried breathing in and out to stop me panicking and also to try and get the feeling to go away. I have never had this in my life.

I didn't make it to the back and walked back to the car and every step I was taking the thudding and irregularity and beating was getting harder. I even dialled 999 on my phone. I managed to get into my car and the man in front who was parking in front of my car must have noticed me walking up to my car and getting into it, and even reversed down the road so I could turn around.

I called my DR in floods of tears, explained what had happened and he said have you drank coffee, had alcohol, etc. I couldn't even get my words out so I said no. He said it sounds like either ectopics or palpitations, don't worry, come and see me next week if your still getting them regularly.

I went to A&E and they took my BP which was 159/98, pulse was 116, she said that's not high considering your feeling unwell. She then took an ECG.

I was then taken to a ward in a&e and was given a full blood test and cheat X-ray.

The nurse looking after me said your first ECG was showing that your heart rate was a little high, but the rhythm was fine, she did another one an hour later and my ECG was normal, I think she said that the heart rate was 85 rather then the 116. My BP was also 130/88, which she said much better.

She also went into say I don't know why your DR mentioned Ectopics, because the ECG never showed that.

My bloods came back fine. While sitting in the ward, with ample time to think, I remembered out accountant at work accidentally made me a coffee instead of a tea, and I never drink coffee (well maybe 3 times a year)

I also remembered that when this happened 2 weeks ago, I also had coffee that morning as there was no tea bags.

REALLY don't think that would be anything to so with it though!

She discharged me and have me a copy of a letter sent to my DRs also asking him whether he would consider me for a 24hr heart monitor, so of course I'm thinking there could be something wrong that they cannot tell until that test :-(

Sorry to rabble on, just feel like NMP is where I can get the support I need as no one around me really understands, as much as they try too.

K xxxx

28-01-14, 19:06
I would say it was the coffee to be honest and palpitations do not necessarily show up on an ECG all the time.

Go and see the doc and get the test done to reassure you

28-01-14, 19:16
Don't worry, the 24 hour monitor is to see if you have ectopic palpitations which are normal in nervous people. Then if that is the case they will give you beta blockers which mask the sensation. I had a 24 hour monitor a few times because I have suffer from palpitations since I was a child because of my anxiety, I have never taken any medicine because they don't cure it the medication all it does is stop you having the sensation, so I decided not to get frighten when they come and relax they more you fear them the more they come, I have been there and still am.

28-01-14, 19:29
We all worry, if there was anything wrong the ECG would have showed with out a doubt I can assure you, my partner had constant heart palpitations for weeks on end then they would go he went to docs for ECG baring in mind that day none at all and to his surprise something did show he was diagnosed with (wolf parkinson white) heart condition. So if there was anything to show it would show. I can't drink alcohol,coffee as I get an awful feeling in my chest area. Try and relax and not to worry


Female healthanxiety
28-01-14, 19:45
Thank you for your reply Nicola, so appreciated. I really really want to think it is just the fact that I has coffee. Just feel like 2 weeks after me joining the gym this is a set back.

Star- thank you for your reply. You seem very brave in beating your problem with the stigma of having good old medication.

Lisa - thank you too. You know I just googled: wolf parkinson white when I read your post!!!! I'm a true HA candidate! I hope your partner is feeling better, at least knowing what it is now.

Just can't shake off how I'm gonna not feel scared now doing anything, plus I go bank for work 4 times a week.

I still feel very on edge and my pulse feels fast too x

28-01-14, 22:12
I too have weird chest due to caffeine which is the reason why I now only drink decaff. Dont avoid going to the bank, if you do itll only fuel the anxiety. When I first began experiencing anxiety and panic attacks I would always feel ill when going in the car with my girlfriend, I knew if I didnt get in the car once then it would be a god awful struggle the next time.

Whatever you do, dont give in to it.
I hope you feel better the next time you have to go.

Female healthanxiety
29-01-14, 10:16
Thanks for your reply Leighroy

I have been going bank the last 3 years I never have a problem with that ;-)

I only had 1 cup of coffee at 11.00am and had my experience at 2.00pm! I just think how can a cup if coffee (if that is the problem!) have that effect!!!

I have woken up really late today and told work I will be in in the afternoon as I still feel quite anxious and chesty. Almost fluttery :-(

29-01-14, 10:23
Caffeine is a well known reason for heart palpitations. I don't drink coffee myself, but I have a colleague who regularly gives herself palpitations by drinking coffee.

Remember that acid reflux is also a cause of heart palpitations, so that could possible be a factor for you too.

29-01-14, 10:32
Thanks for your reply Leighroy

I only had 1 cup of coffee at 11.00am and had my experience at 2.00pm! I just think how can a cup if coffee (if that is the problem!) have that effect!!!


Hi there, hope things are improving for you a bit. I too never drink coffee due to an ulcer some years back, whenever I had the odd cup it used to send me into dizzyness with a very detached feeling, just generally down and shaky.

That was before I had anxiety diagnosed but I now realise it was indeed a mild form many years ago. This to me suggests coffee could indeed cause symptoms of anxiety.

Like another poster said, shying away from what you think may harm you can in the long run hurt you more. I had my first anxiety attack in Tesco of all places, for months after I would nearly always lose it when approaching the store.

Now I make an effort to go shopping there and realised it cant hurt me its only a thought, an anxiety thought.

Good luck it will get better..

Female healthanxiety
30-01-14, 15:42
Thank you HoneyLove (what a lovely screen name!) and Calmiah (yours too!).

Never thought of Acid Reflux, I certainly had that feeling in my throat when I was actually on the way to the hospital (gosh, don't even know how I drove)....

I have returned to work today, I had 1.5 bottles of Red wine last (I know I shouldn't) but a lot of personal problems at the moment.

I look terrible, pale, bags galore, my eyes look so washed out and dry... I LOOK like I have been through the wars....

It is very interesting what you say about coffee (it makes me feel the same too) - but have never had them symptoms...

Am glad Tescos is no longer a avoidance for you - well done for getting through your fears - keep it up!!!

Well I think I will give the gym a miss this week, maybe start back up again next week..........

30-01-14, 15:51
Thank you HoneyLove (what a lovely screen name!)

Always liked that name too! :)

I have returned to work today, I had 1.5 bottles of Red wine last (I know I shouldn't) but a lot of personal problems at the moment.

If you ate enough, it's not much of a problem. Still, don't do it every day, as alcohol worsens anxiety issues.

I look terrible, pale, bags galore, my eyes look so washed out and dry... I LOOK like I have been through the wars....

But you are in the war. You are in the war against anxiety and the D-Day is coming soon :)

Well I think I will give the gym a miss this week, maybe start back up again next week..........

Wrong. You should really continue to go to the gym, even if you feel drained. Exercise releases endorfins, endorfins reduce stress levels and anxiety. Proven fact. In addition, it's better to go to the gym and do something healthy, than to sit in a room, Google symptoms or be alone with your thoughts. My advice-don't miss that gym, go there :)

30-01-14, 16:11
Hiya, hope things are improving. Don't feel too guilty about the wine, its not good but like you say its your release right now & things wont always be like this.

Over Xmas I was doing that most days too, I knew I shouldn't but it kept the anxiety at bay, next day wasn't great by any means so I've reduced the levels significantly now. I've made it a little project to have just a glass a night during the week, feels good when you achieve it and even better the next day.. Any positives are good with anxiety and this is just a small one for me..

I'm sure you don't look half as bad as you think! I know I look exactly the same as I did 2 weeks ago but with a more positive outlook on things I actually think I look fine today.. well as fine as it gets, I didn't then due to increased anxiety levels probably.. Looking at the same thing but with different eyes can make a big difference. In fact when I'm anxious these days I don't even look in the mirror..

Well done for getting back to work, it will all work out for you just takes time. Why put off the gym though? it will help you burn some of that adrenalin and keep you motivated, I've just started with X trainer at home and despite my reluctance and deep breathing I have to say it does help..

Keep smiling

Female healthanxiety
30-01-14, 20:00
Hello Andrash, thank you for responding.

Well I was just driving home and got the pulsating back again :-( starts from my stomach area and then upwards. Feel like crap now.

The last thing I want to do is go to the gym for the fear of another episode. I really really want to go, but this is scaring me now.

I only had 2 cups of tea today (I've been drinking it since I was 2!) I also noticed that when I went number 2 today I felt the feeling as well.

I just keep thinking something is wrong with my heart :-(((((

Well some for getting on that cross trainer, you will feel so much better!!

30-01-14, 20:16
Hello Andrash, thank you for responding.

Well I was just driving home and got the pulsating back again :-( starts from my stomach area and then upwards. Feel like crap now.

The last thing I want to do is go to the gym for the fear of another episode. I really really want to go, but this is scaring me now.

I only had 2 cups of tea today (I've been drinking it since I was 2!) I also noticed that when I went number 2 today I felt the feeling as well.

I just keep thinking something is wrong with my heart :-(((((

Well some for getting on that cross trainer, you will feel so much better!!

After an earthquake, there are things called aftershocks-a lot of small earthquakes that are actually calming the ground down.

Anxiety episode is like an earthquake-creates all sorts of havoc to your body and mind. What you're experiencing now is an aftershock-your body is in a healing process and it's emanating various signals before it calms down.

Your ECG and blood results are your safe belt-whenever you fear the heart attack,think about them. If they're normal-no heart attack. FACT. Now just calm down, and for god sake eat something ;) Try to live your normal life as much as you can-and you'll gradually overcome this.

30-01-14, 22:46
Sounds like a few palpitations set off a panic attack. I have read lots about skipped beats (though they are not skipped ones, but early ones) and this is what a top cardiologist said about them on one site:

"Skipped beats are normal activity, easy to understand from ourknowledge of the hearts electrical system. They do not lead to heart attack or other catastrophe. They are harmless if your heart is structurally normal".

I am sure if you have the holter monitor it will put your mind at rest. Most people have pvcs (skipped beats), but don't realise it. I have hundreds a day. On my last holter monitor I had 300 in 24hrs even though I didn't feel any. My gp said that was within normal parameters.

31-01-14, 03:36
Hi, just want to say I've had sudden pounding heart issues too. Felt like my heart was going to explode; a lot more extreme even than your episode. Docs said is sounded like an arrhythmia called SVT, which isn't usually dangerous and can be triggered by things like coffee. It may not have been SVT at all however; I have low blood pressure and it may have been my heart kicking in suddenly to raise it. Do you ever suffer from low blood pressure?

Also, did you get a chance to feel your pulse during this episode? It's possible to have beats that feel irregular in your chest but actually aren't at all.

Female healthanxiety
31-01-14, 08:39
I get the earthquake comment! I know your body can still have after shock reaction! Makes sense dosent it?

I have been eating Ok, apologies I was just referring to the cups of tea due to earlier comments regarding caffeine!

I think that was the words of the Doctor (she said the rhythm of my heart is fine) she just said i had an episode of a fast heart rate (116) on my very first ECG (think she called in Try..... Something) think that's the medical name of a fast heart rate. It came down to 85 and she said that's now normal.

With the holter; do you have to make notes on what your doing, for instance if someone was to say exercise, surely they would need to know as your heart rate would be higher?

Freaked - I feel my pulse is beating very fast in my throat area when checking. It was horrible, I would say I didn't even have time to panic as it came on suddenly when I was walking. It felt like my whole body was thudding and on speaking the beats were so hard that if i spoke I could probably hear them in my voice (if that makes sense).

They almost feel like they start from the top of my stomach.

When I felt them coming on again yesterday driving home I felt like I had this dry metallic taste in my mouth and it left me with a hard feeling in my throat. I also noticed that when I got up to turn the light of and laid back down, I felt the feeling again. And when I laid on my back it felt uncomfortable.

I've had heart palpitations lots of times but this skippy, thudding, irregular feeling is so scary :-((((

Happy Friday everyone xxxx

---------- Post added at 08:38 ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 ----------

#i tend to have BP of 120/140- 85/100 xxx never been low in afraid

---------- Post added at 08:39 ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 ----------

And yes felt like my heart was going to explode :-(

Female healthanxiety
31-01-14, 12:52
Have to go bank in a minute!!!!:wacko:

31-01-14, 14:21
I would say that this definitely sounds like the coffee to me hun.

I only drink decaff now as I was getting lots of palpitations and my anxiety kept rising too, my psychiatrist advised me to drink decaff and I've been better since.

Caffeine is no friend to any of us that suffer with anxiety, it will raise it, then you end up with palpitations brought on by the caffeine as well as palpitations brought on through the raise in your anxiety, also brought on by the caffeine.

Like Nic has said ectopics don't always show in a very quick ECG, so not sure why the nurse even mentioned that??

I'd have the 24 hour monitor hun if you feel you need too, but it does sound like the coffee was the problem hun :hugs:

---------- Post added at 14:21 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

hun I know it's hard, but try to calm down a little, as the more stressed and anxious that you get, the more your heart is going to jump around.

Remember that fear feeds fear, so just try and relax as best you can, try not to be scared, I know it feels alarming, but it's probably your high anxiety that's causing this.

To try and break the cycle of fear, when you get a palpitation, try telling yourself that you've had them before and you were fine, and that this will pass too and you'll be fine, then just allow yourself to be calm hun :hugs: