View Full Version : scaitica or something else?

20-11-06, 08:38
hi every1

since i was pregnant with my son i have suffered with what i think is scaitica, i rarely get back pain but the pain down my leg and foot is quite bad at times, my foot usually is the worst, its sometimes agony whereas my leg is bearable, anyway all of a sudden its back but the pain is in the front of my thigh rather than the back, i have the pain in my foot, its not as bad as it has been but its there and when i bend i get a pain right in the bottom of my back, by the way it seems much worse when driving and sitting at the comp, when im walking about its ok.

the thing is ive had this for so long it dosnt bother me but now the pain has changed to the front im worrying that its cancer or something, my dad had cancer in his leg and i think coz i have nothing else to worry about at the mo im thinking of this, im beginning to think i need to worry, i dont think i will ever be rid of this anxiety.

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

20-11-06, 09:20

I get the exact same thing, it is like a dull ache in my leg and the bottom of my back, my doctor told me it is sciatica and I make it worse because I tense up when I get the achey feeling.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

20-11-06, 10:07
hi trac

do u get the pain at the front of your thigh??

leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

20-11-06, 14:58
Hi leanne it does sound like sciatica,I think because your dad had cancer its something that sticks in your mind.;)

Ellen XX

piglits pal
20-11-06, 15:04
I get a dull pain down the front of my thigh. I have a curved spine and get sciatic problems because of this.

Pregnancy makes it worse because of the extra stress on your back and pelvic area.

20-11-06, 17:11
There is another post about this at the moment too..

severe back pain (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=14900)

have a read and maybe you can relate to each other.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

22-11-06, 22:26
I get the same thing! I’ve had it on and off for about 3 years. I finally got up enough courage to go to the Doctor. I was sure it would be cancer, there was no doubt in my mind. I knew of someone who had cancer in his leg and that was all I could think about. My doctor said it was not cancer and if I wanted to get some x-rays he would send me. I went and had x-rays done of my leg, hip, and pelvis and the x-rays were all totally normal. He thinks it may be sciatica or some other nerve pain. Exercise, or some physical therapy is what he suggested. Although my anxiety still makes me check it every day and second guess the MD! I keep thinking what if the radiologist read the x-ray wrong! Why I do this, I have no idea.

22-11-06, 22:31
Sciatica is terrible to have. My pain generated from my lower back on the left side all the way down my leg into my foot. My foot would go numb, and it got so bad that I couldn't stand for long periods.

I had an MRI done (well half of one I freaked out in the middle of it) and it showed that I had a bulging disc which is sorta what sciatica is. If x-rays show nothing then I have no idea what it could be..other than we can hurt our backs so easily!

Just wanted to add that I don't think it could be anything bad! So, please no worries relax and take care of you!

"Be The Change You Want To See In The World"...

Take Care of You,
