View Full Version : stressed, depressed

20-11-06, 08:56
I have been quite stressed out over the last two weeks. My mother had visited me last week, due to this there was additional stress. On the weekend I had to host a guest and show them around a neighbouring city, the whole trip was really tiring. Sunday, yesterday whole day I was on bed, I just had a breakfast in the morning and a very light meal for lunch and dinner almost nothing, because I did get the 'get-up-and-go' to cook or to go out and eat. Evening I had to handle some stressful phonecalls with new relationships in my life. All this has put me in a depressed state of mind today. I actually never get depressed, I only get anxious, this time after many years, I have got depressed and feel I need to relax and come out of it to avoid making it worse. But I cant take a break now. Breaking is also not the right thing. I am regularly exercising, so I cant get a miracle by starting a stoped exercise, which usually releaves pain.

What can I do to improve? I am feeling a compulsion to respond to the stressful phone call yesterday(It wasnt stressful conversation, just that I have to react to it and so NO to an offer), but I dont want to do it now, since I am not doing great and I might become agressive instead of being assertive, although I am well aware of the possibility.

I actually feel burning sensation in my eye as if it is ready to cry or as if it had been crying whole but neither of that is true, is this a side effect of possible depression


20-11-06, 13:47
I found that the symptoms were actually anxiety and depression. I am anxious about incomplete work at work, making a trip plan, renting a new house, just too many things. There is additional pressure on me on every front to do things better, which adds to my anxiety. And with all this, I didnt eat properly for almost 1.5 days. So today I am really in a miserable shape. Hoping to get some support. Somebody please say Hi to me, it would make me feel so much better.....



20-11-06, 13:50
I have put my phone off hook to avoid having to sound depressed or stupid to some important people who may call up today. Is this Ok, or is it an avoidance behavior that I shouldnt be doing. May be I shouldnt be asking public opinion on this, I feel stupid to be asking such a question.


20-11-06, 14:42
Hi heavymind,you sound like your really down pet.Sometimes people can Just have down days and not have depression.If you need to cry then cry,I always feel better after a good cry,:(If you dont feel like answering the phone then dont.You maybe taking on to much at the moment and finding it hard to cope with.I do this always take on to much,and my head cant cope.Things will pick up pet.:)

Ellen XX

21-11-06, 04:23
Hi Thanks Ellen,
I havent improved too much today. I did not cry, It wasnt that overwhelming. But I just dont know why I am down. There is obsolutely no reason. I cant figure out a proper reason and put my hands on it. I guess its just accumlated stress.
My mother also has some emotional problems, but she doesnt know it. On her visit as usual there were a lot of fights with her.
I dont know if that is the reason.
I cant put my hand on the reason for why I am down.... My future mother-in-law offered to sponser our honeymoon and I didnt like the idea, may be that has made me upset. I just dont know... I am also stressed about making the right plan, may be I am giving up a plan that I most wanted to do, is that why?? No not even that. I just cant put my hand on it....


21-11-06, 07:08
Hi,right this might sound really silly to you but one CALM DOWN, too much is going on in your head right now. Take a step back or three steps back, deal with one thing at a time. Do what you feel is importtant to you, if none of them are then throw corsion to the wind. Nothing is going to feel right to you while your in this state.

21-11-06, 10:35
Hi Heavymind,

Boy can I relate to your mothers visit!! My mum stayed with us for nearly a week and crickey that was tough. She always seems to manage to extend her stay with us from just a couple of days to a week!! We are supposed to be having her here for Christmas, but that wil involve around 6 days for 24 flaming hours!!!!:):)

You are right to have reached the conclusion that this is anxiety and depression from what you say. Sharing is good and you will find help, advice and support in here. NMP is a good place to be...you are not alone!!

Feel free to pm or email if you want to chat.


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

22-11-06, 08:25
Thanks Iain/rickards...

I am getting better with each day, but still not fully alright. I am having a headache today due to lack of sleep. But anxiety is relatively less, but not as less as it was before my mothers visit. I dont blame her, she too suffers with out knowing, or may be all moms get anxious with children(however old they and their children are) may be...


23-11-06, 05:34
I stopped driving my bike to work for the last two days and had been keeping my morning exercise on and started to work early today and I have improved a great deal. It probably will take 2 more days to be completely alright.


23-11-06, 07:55
Foreign travel is another thing that makes me anxious I guess. I had to book tickets for a travel today and I could see I was a bit nervous. I am sensing some uneasiness and shakiness today, but yesterday my temperment was very bad, but today atleast my temperment is doing alright. I can see that I am in the process of getting better, but its going to take a week for me to get back completely alright.

I spoke frankly to my mother about how she made me feel. She felt bad listening to it. I didnt want to do it actually, since it doesnt help in anyway, but I was just compelled to just say what I had to say. I didnt yell at her, but told her in a calm way. She was worried to hear my anxiery was back and was emphathetic, but felt bad that both her children are complaining her. This morning I called her up and said I was doing much better. I feel bad that I had made her feel bad, she cares for me so much and because of that over reacts and because of that I become anxious and because of that I tell her she is hurting me, when she actually is caring for me so much. How bad a person am I.. I am a person who can make people who care for me feel bad in return :-). I feel so bad to have made her feel bad. I want to call her up tomorrow morning and appologize.. I want to go home give her a hug and tell her how much she means to me, how great I think of her. I am worried if she will be receptive or would believe how much I love her...



24-11-06, 11:14
Today I have I think a mild DR/DP. It is very mild. But I am finding it hard to focus on full time work. I want to be agressive on it, but I am not able to.


24-11-06, 14:27
Sounds like you have so much going on.
Can you list what needs to be done and then see it all in that perspective ( almost in separate boxes?.

Don't stress yourself. Often after a really bad day it takes a few more days to feel better.

Why don't you make your mum a card to say you love her ?

25-11-06, 02:19
I sort of made up with her by calling up and talking. She was more concerned about how I was doing rather...

There really are quite a lot of stuff going on. I just want some of them to come to a conclusion, so that I have only one thing to focus on.
