View Full Version : This may help

28-01-14, 22:56
I started having ectopic beats in August of 2012. They started coincidentally when I was put on Atenolol for panic attacks. I stopped taking the beta blocker soon after. Don't get me wrong I was later on Bisoprolol which did help a little with PVC's and a lot with anxiety. Anyway over time the number of PVC's want up & down. Then Some time this past summer I went from having 20 a day to having thousands almost each and every day. As anyone would do I visited the doctor many times to get told nothing but to deal with them. Anyone that lives with these things knows that not a enough. I asked different GP's many times if they could be caused by the food I was eating over a lack of this or that they said no. I started looking stuff up myself and tried a few things.

I stopped eating cheese and started taking potassium, magnesium and vitamin D. I also started drinking red wine over beer. I do not if this has truly made the difference but one way or another my daily number of ectopic beats have gone from thousands to only a few if at all any. I also try to work out which I think helps.

Hope this helps!

29-01-14, 23:29
Hi hun :D

Thank you for taking the time to post this.

Its great to hear that you have sorted things out.:yesyes:



30-01-14, 22:49
I have certainly heard that magnesium helps and potassium too. How much do you take and in what form?