View Full Version : Breast biopsy worries

28-01-14, 23:01
Hi all

Haven't been on here in ages, thought I had this anxiety thing pretty well under control, then my wife turned 48 and got called for her first mammogram. A week later she's called back for what we thought was a routine follow-up which became a second mammogram, ultrasound and finally a vacuum biopsy. Apparently the anomaly is very small, may be normal for my wife as they've never seen her before but inevitably the old anxiety demon reared up and went into total overdrive as bad as it's ever been. Pretty soon I was thinking about how I'll cope as a single parent of two young children, checking up on every celebrity I've ever heard of having it etc, etc. I guess you're never really free of this thing.

Not sure what I'm looking for on here although maybe someone has some experience?:unsure:

28-01-14, 23:07
Most lumps are benign, but it sounds like should it be anything they have caught really early. I bet it isn't tho. It could be so many other things other than what u fear xxx