View Full Version : How do we know its anxiety???

28-01-14, 23:40
Hi guys,

I wanted to make this thread so people can talk about what they think caused their anxiety and to get some reassurance that what they are experiencing can all be signs of anxiety.
I thought id share my story and struggle first.

Basically my anxiety started around june last year when I started experiencing constant headaches dizziness and IBS symptoms when it first started I thought nothing of it but a few weeks passed and I began to think it was much more than something simple my mind wondered and I couldn't stop thinking that it was a brain tumour or something similar. Time went on and my symptoms wore off during the summer I notoced a lump in my testicles which started my anxiety off all over again I went to the hospital and it turned out I had epididymitis was given antibiotics and felt better. A couple of months later I started getting the symptoms again and was sent for an ultrasound of my testes it showed nothing sinister or to be worried about. I went to my doctor not much time later and mentioned I thought I had anxiety and was prescribed anti depresents I decided not to take them however.

Just recently I discovered a lump in my groin which I was very scared about I went to the doctor she felt it and said its probably nothing to worry about but ordered a ultrasound of my groin and testes just to double check on everything I am now waiting for this scan.

I think my anxiety was caused by an event that happened early last year when my partner took seriously ill with a brain abcess she had 2 seizures in front of me and at the age of 18 I think this seriously effected me she had emergency brain surgery and was in intensive care for a week and hospital for 3 weeks I think this was what caused my anxiety and was just wondering what people thought ?

Sorry for the long post and feel free to post your experiences and struggles

29-01-14, 00:41
Hi mart sorry to hear about your anxiety and partner, hope she's better now? And I know exactly what you mean, I'm having s hard time accepting mine as anxiety. Mine imhas been focused on ny heart well since I was 13 but it's been at its worst for the last 6 months . I'm having therapy at the moment and had all sorts of tests but they've all cane back saying nothing wrong to be found abd yet I can't help thinking they've missed something cos in Still getting palps/dizziness etc . I'm too scared to sleep, eat certain foods and go out. It's ruining my life basically but we have to try and believe the words that we keep getting told abnd learn to accept that these thought s abd feelings are anxiety and that they can't hurt us, despite how it makes us feel. It's easy for me to write those words but it's so much harder to let it sink in. Sorry for the long reply

29-01-14, 01:15
I know exactly what you mean I think the worst thing about this illness is that its a constant battle againstyyourself :/ I think to myself everything is fine and then my mind says no you have something seriously wrong with you just makes me so frustrated :( and yeah my partner is much better now btw thanks

29-01-14, 17:19
Thanks for sharing, Mart.

I've been dealing with health anxiety for a little while, now. I started having tremors seemingly out of the blue. That evolved to GI symptoms, then muscle aches and pains.

I've realized that I was in a situation for many years where I felt trapped, and some actions I've taken to remedy that have really helped everything. I still have the physical after effects of the anxiety though. When talking to my therapist, I said I felt any anxiety I was experiencing couldn't have been this bad. He described that trapped feeling as being very corrosive. So, in other words, it was that bad.

That makes me feel better. I still get niggly moments of "oh dear god there's something horribly wrong with me"... but I keep that word corrosive in my mind. Yes there was something wrong with me... and that situation was it. And now I'm moving on, and it will get better.

As always, easier said than done... but I seem to be doing it.

29-01-14, 18:42
Hi guys,

and was prescribed anti depresents I decided not to take them however.

The root of all evil right there. Listen to your docs, take the meds, you'll feel better. 100%.