View Full Version : acid reflux/sicky taste in throat hours after

28-01-14, 23:52
Hi everyone, tonight I ate dinner around 7ish then at 9ish I had acid reflux and actual food came back up so I spat it out then everything was okay for a few hours.. but a minute ago (nearly midnight) I just drank some water and the acidy/bitter taste has come back even though it went away earlier, does this mean there is still acid/sick in my throat? how can I ease this discomfort/horrible bitter taste?

I am scared as I have a job interview on Thursday morning and I have severe health anxiety as it is and I don't want this horrible nuisance/potential health threat :(

Please reply, I need advice/info from people who have had similar symptoms :(


29-01-14, 00:04
Milk helps me

29-01-14, 00:05
it happened straight after drinking milk :/

29-01-14, 10:26
Have you talked to your doctor about your reflux issues?

When my reflux acts up I frequently get the same bitter taste in my mouth, it's not unusual with this kind of problem. You can try using an antacid, and taking care of your diet to lessen the chance of reflux happening.

29-01-14, 11:40
Every antacid will solve the problem in no time. Drink one tonight and another just before the job appointment and you'll be fine.