View Full Version : Pain in Right Ovary :( PCOS

29-01-14, 02:04
Wonder if ladies have had this. I have had a pain in my right ovary for the last week or so. It comes and goes. It's like a dull ache / pulling sensation.

I have PCOS diagnosed by ultrasound so I know i have little cysts on my ovaries. But other than the cysts and very irregular periods I have no other symptoms like weight (I'm very little!) or insulin resistance. Sometimes I don't have my period for up to close to a year. Have been on the pill to kick start my period recently for four months but stopped after that and have been having 'periods' every 35 - 38 days for the last four/ five months. But periods are weird, very light, clotty, mainly brownish, low flow and painful sorry (TMI).

When I first had this pain in my right ovary i thought it was ovulation (though I don't know if I do ovulate) but it has come and gone at least six days and I know it doesn't go that long. Now I'm freaking out it's something majorly bad like cancer. I am 35.

Anyone with PCOS or have had similar symptoms but turned out to be nothing? My last Ultrasound was I THINK in late 2011. I get major anxiety attacks about these tests so .... I dunno! help!

29-01-14, 02:25
Cancer of the ovaries have no symptoms. If women had symptoms they would be diagnosed sooner and the outcome would be better. Ovarian cancer is insidious. Cysts could definately be causing these symptoms but you may just have irregular periods. Do you have children? After both my children my periods changed. I had a c section with my son and I had irregular periods like you describe brown, sometimes light sometimes heavy and once it was almost 2 weeks late. They have returned to normal now. Also since I had my kids I can definately tell when I'm ovulating. In fact I knew when the exact time to try for my second baby was because I knew I was ovulating. Honestly nothing you describe here sounds abnormal. Our bodies and hormones change as we get older. That it would probably be best to visit your gyno just for a check up. I go once a year religiously. It's good for peace of mind. Is there any chance you could be pregnant? I had the pulling in the side feeling with my daughter.

29-01-14, 03:25
I had this random pain in my left ovary area in December and earlier this month. I went to see my OB/GYN at the end of December and she sent me for an ultrasound. I had the ultrasound and Dr. said it was clear, ever since I got the call with the results the pain hasn't been back. I'm almost positive it was my anxiety getting to me.

29-01-14, 10:46
Am going through similar symptoms as you am 34 right side groin/ovary pain started in December a couple of weeks before I was due on. This month it has been on the left side more but occasionally right side still. I went to the docs about it for second time yesterday because am obsessed I have ovarian cancer and the doctor was shocked as to why I thought it was that with my age and no family history of ovarian or breast cancer. She is sending me for a scan and blood tests one of which is ca125 which is used to help diagnose ovarian cancer but she told me several times she was only sending me for this to reassure me not cause she thinks I have it. She thinks it might be pcos because my periods are I irregular and I am overweight. Am a lot calmer at the moment and think she might be right because it also took a long time (3 years) to conceive with my daughter. So I really dont think you have anything to worry about always best to keep getting checked out by your doctor.

31-01-14, 03:53
Thanks girls. I went to my GP today about this and she said sometimes cysts can enlarge sometime throughout the cycle and stretch the ovary and it should go especially if I have polycystic ovaries ... she said if it persists for a really long time then she would recommend a scan but otherwise she didn't even press on my tummy or suggest anything else ... I'm not sure what to make of it.

I am definitely not pregnant RoseEve . I know i probably have a hormonal imbalance somewhere considering my periods are so irregular. Still a little worried though.

31-01-14, 08:52
I.have a cyst on my ovary, it feels like a dull nagging feeling, but its quite large so thats expected. I get very irregular periods, and suffer severe health anxiety. Ive had the ca125 blood test was negative... And im off to see tge gyno on monday after my third scan results xx