View Full Version : Well I did it..........ALMOST ;(

29-01-14, 05:14
Tonight I gathered all my courage and said screw it and for the first time since my battle began I decided to work out.

Decided 15 minutes on the treadmill followed by crunches and push ups was a nice starting point. Well 8 minutes into my cardio I suddenly became aware of how fast my heart was beating and how out of breath I was. I pushed through till the 10 minute mark before a full panic attack hit me and now I'm scared I have pushed my heart too far and it's just waiting to stop.

Long story short I failed

29-01-14, 05:19
I have just posted a thread about my heart issues and my doctors visit last night. I came out feeling so much more positive. He pushed my heart to 166bpm apparently bec of my body shape (or so he told me) and told em that 20 minutes of that a day would help my weight and keep my heart fit.

Well done you for getting up the courage and energy to go and do something. I am so lazy and I know this needs to change!