View Full Version : putting that you are taking anti depressants on application form.

29-01-14, 10:26
Hi guys, I recently passed an interview for a job amd have recieved a "conditional offer" along with an application for and occupational health form. In this form it asks am I taking any medication? At the moment I am on Amitriptyline. I know I have to list this as the company is in the medi al industry. Do you think me listkng this may lead them to withdraw the job offer? I really want this nob and I feel my issues rarely affect my ability to so the job.

29-01-14, 16:17
Unless it was for the safety of yourself and others that would be discrimination and against the law.

29-01-14, 16:26
No need to worry about occupational health.

The occupational health department is normally at least partly staffed by health professionals and it is not allowed to share information with your manager. So the people you are working with day to day will not have any information about your health.

The reason it's best to declare everything to occupational health is that if you are deemed to have lied on your application form, that could make problems for you later. Occ Health cannot tell anybody about anything you tell them on the form, and they cannot make any changes to your employment offer as a result of what you tell them.

I just had to do this, and because i had a long history (but am now recovered) of mental health disorder, I had to have a phone interview where they just asked for details, then a report from my GP, and I will have regular follow-ups with occ health to check that I am coping at work.

Basically, occ health is alright. The people you might want to avoid telling (at least at first) are HR and your manager. Occ health are technically part of HR, but only the doctor you speak to will have access to your health details.

When you talk to occupational health, you will always be talking to a doctor or nurse - a medical professional, not a business manager!

EDIT: Found this: http://www.worksmart.org.uk/health/is_a_company_doctor_bound_by_confidentiality Occ health is totally confidential :)

29-01-14, 17:29
My doctor knows that I smoke cannabis occasionally, would that be something the doctor would pass on to occupational health?

29-01-14, 17:45
My doctor knows that I smoke cannabis occasionally, would that be something the doctor would pass on to occupational health?

Unlikely. Occ health asked me about recreational drug use. For me it was just a bit of pot when I was a teenager so I just explained I used to take it and don't anymore. If I was still taking it I don't know if I'd admit it, but I don't think the doctor would tell them anyway. And if it's just occasional use it's not really a health problem, is it, so I would think it's not worth mentioning.

You will see your GP report before it goes to occ health and most GPs will ask you if you are happy with what they have included. They offered to take parts of mine out. I don't think I've ever met a doctor that hasn't looked after me first and foremost :)

29-01-14, 18:12
Unlikely. Occ health asked me about recreational drug use. For me it was just a bit of pot when I was a teenager so I just explained I used to take it and don't anymore. If I was still taking it I don't know if I'd admit it, but I don't think the doctor would tell them anyway. And if it's just occasional use it's not really a health problem, is it, so I would think it's not worth mentioning.

You will see your GP report before it goes to occ health and most GPs will ask you if you are happy with what they have included. They offered to take parts of mine out. I don't think I've ever met a doctor that hasn't looked after me first and foremost :)
Thank you so much for this. I really want this job! I am seeing my GP on Friday for a change of meds as my therapists seems to thing I have OCD and not GAD.
I am OCD about my sleep hence Cannabis use etc.