View Full Version : Dizziness

29-01-14, 11:22
I have experienced been dizzy a while now but has only ever been on and off, but lately the last few months its reallly getting worse. If i just walk across the room or street it feels like the floor is moving or im spinning around, its reallly scary and i dont know if i am going to pass out or my legs will give way as my legs also feel very week and sjakey all of the time. I also get alot of pain in my calves and just shakey as a whole. I was wondering if anxiey can really cause this? The doctors just look at me as if im stupid and i can tell they think im a hypochondriac. Its really getting me down i am so alone in everything and constanlt suffering everyday with everything.

Thanks for advice :) x

29-01-14, 11:38
Hey hun,
I suffer with awful dizziness and have done for over a year now...

As soon as I step foot in a supermarket or shop I feel like the floors bouncing and I start to spin.. I say it feels like im walking on marshmallows!

Do you get any issues with your eyes when this happens?

The doctors think my dizziness is down to a combination of anxiety and migraines.. ive had 2 mris both of which are clear so try not to worry :)

29-01-14, 14:08
i have this especialy like floor movement underneath me.

29-01-14, 15:42
I have had bouts of dizziness as well, which makes me further makes me believe that I have problems with my heart because of my other crazy symptoms, but I have had 2 ekg's, 2 chest xrays, blood tests, urine tests and blood pressure tests! The dizziness is awful when it happens, I feel like I am being forced to walk (if that makes any sense) I have found that when I workout it goes away, but after it is still there! I really think that if this is truly anxiety it makes it hard to believe so many people suffer from it :(