View Full Version : Week 5-6 advice

29-01-14, 13:04
Hi all, I am nearing the 5-6 week mark of my Cit use.

I have to say that during the last couple of days, I have been feeling quite anxious on and off but cannot honestly say what it's about. I have my usual triggers and I can't say that it's those particularly.

I just wondered if this type of anxiety was another side effect of the medication and will ease off/go away after another day or two?

I am still feeling a little nauseau (but ok when I eat, bang goes the diet) and my sleeping is not great.

Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated


29-01-14, 14:36
I'm going to assume it's still the meds settling in because I'm going through the very same thing and I'm just past the 6 week mark... (have been feeling this way the past week).

I'm going to hold out until the end of this particular prescription and ask my doctor about an increase to 30mg when I'm due for a refill (which will be 8 weeks of having been on 20mg).

29-01-14, 19:58
Thanks Edna, appreciate the reply.

Gonna have to practice my breathing techniques...

29-01-14, 20:25
I cannot remember if you've been on this certain dose for 5-6 weeks or on it in total, but I was on 10mg for 8.5 weeks before I noticed any improvement with my anxiety.

Now I've been on 20mg for 3 weeks and my anxiety has reduced so drastically yesterday and today especially.

I did self medicate on benzos during the last 2 weeks while my brain adjusted to the citalopram but didn't take any today as didn't need it. I had taken 1-2mg of etizolam per day only when I would leave the house depending on how bad it was, would be half 20 minutes before I left home and then half again about 4 hours after taking the first dose.

The benzo really helped while citalopram was building up and settling I only hope for better as the days go on! :D

29-01-14, 22:16
Thanks Zee, same dose for nearly six weeks now.

Going to get some sleep and see what tomorrow brings :)

30-01-14, 14:07
Marty, saw on another thread you're feeling better??? Hope you're on the upswing now!

30-01-14, 22:03
Hi Edna. Better day but a few blips. Still feel a little anxious but it's nearly meds time and bed :)

31-01-14, 22:59
Been a real helterskelter of a week.

Today began anxiously but I took myself off to calm down and made a list of my worries/triggers. And when I looked at them closely, they didn't scare me so much. That really helped.

Tonight I feel calm and composed. And happy.

Week 7 commences on Monday, so off we go again.

31-01-14, 23:06
I have learned thru my CBT what you think is what you feel. WUTIWYFI have been using it as my mantra this week!! :yesyes:

01-02-14, 00:26
good job marty pleased to hear :)

01-02-14, 01:07
Thanks both, staying up later tonight to see if I sleep better. Now turning in :)

Night all!

01-02-14, 16:27
Having a much better day today :)

01-02-14, 22:10
I think I have made some real progress today.

My wife is out tonight for drinks with her friend - not a major deal but this sort of thing used to really make me anxious. However, I feel absolutely fine and don't too anxious about it.

Long may that continue, hoping I have turned a corner :)

01-02-14, 22:18
Good for you, Marty!!!

01-02-14, 22:46
Good for you, Marty!!!


I'm still doing good here! LOL

02-02-14, 00:32
well done man!!! good job

02-02-14, 10:44
Cheers Zee, certainly been much better in recent days

02-02-14, 13:21
Really glad to hear that Marty!

Been a bit more anxious myself lately. Hoping it's still just meds settling (7 weeks tomorrow). Might inquire about bumping up to 30mg though.

02-02-14, 18:27
im still on edge again and my anxiety got worse after those 2 better days I had.

Have an appointment tomorrow with doctor for another 28 tablets of cit, should I increase to 30mg or stick with 20mg for another month to see how it goes?

02-02-14, 22:33
Hi Zee, I think 40mg is the highest recommended dose so I guess you are at halfway dose wise.

I had used Cit before and I felt so bad about stuff that I went straight on to 40mg.

I am starting to feel a little calmer about things generally and I like this feeling. Just taken tonight's meds and I am waiting to see how I deal with tomorrow's triggers.

All the best


05-02-14, 22:43
Been ok-ish last few days. My triggers are hanging in there but they feel more buried now and most off the time I can see them for the irrelevant worries that they actually are.

Fast approaching week 8 now. Some side effects still there but not as bad as they were. I still suffer with tiredness, nausea and sleeping thru amongst others.

06-02-14, 02:23
sounds like you're going in the right direction! keep posting! it's comforting following along with you since we're on the same time frame with the Cit.

06-02-14, 12:55
Thanks Edna, likewise - I do enjoy hearing from you too

All the best, Marty