View Full Version : im soooo scared

29-01-14, 17:43
Ive recently posted bout what im hoping is all tension in my head neck n shoulders. Ive had sore to touch n tenses neck n shoulders. My head has been tender all:shades: over . The pain in my neck is making me feel sick n im worrying out ov control that its an bleed on my brain. Please advice me I have 3 children and I font want to feel scared anymore xx

---------- Post added at 17:43 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ----------


29-01-14, 17:45
I would see the doc about getting some physio done

29-01-14, 17:49
Ive recently posted bout what im hoping is all tension in my head neck n shoulders. Ive had sore to touch n tenses neck n shoulders. My head has been tender all:shades: over . The pain in my neck is making me feel sick n im worrying out ov control that its an bleed on my brain. Please advice me I have 3 children and I font want to feel scared anymore xx

---------- Post added at 17:43 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ----------


I'm not a doctor, but what you describe are really common symptoms of anxiety. I'd recommend three things:

1. Paracetamol/ibuprofen. It will reduce the pains.
2. Make an appointment with GP to evaluate you.
3. In case you are scared of 2., tight neck muscles are something incredibly common and in 99.99999999% of cases nothing serious. But, your GP can get you referred to the physio for massages if pain become harder to bear or doesn't recede after some time.

Above all else-don't worry, and DON'T GOOGLE. Anxiety makes pains, stiffness and sensations worse.

29-01-14, 18:02
Hey Shelley,

I battle almost constant head, neck, and shoulder pain. The tension held in these areas can be unbelievable.

The extra adrenaline released when you have raised levels of anxiety can easily cause these areas to be extra tense. I know that many anxiety sufferers complain of a "tight band" around their heads- and that their scalp is even sore to the touch.

If you had a bleed in your brain- you wouldn't be able to sit here and write posts and wait for replies.

The thing that has helped me the most is that I have a very good chiropractor/acupuncturist. I have been suffering badly for about two weeks and Monday after seeing him I had gone until just about two hours ago with no pain. It takes getting back into a bit of a regime before the effects of the treatment stick, but I went months and months without any problems until recently.

Make sure you are very hydrated with water. It helps with muscle tension.

Watch your posture. Make you sure you aren't contracting your shoulders up around your ears.

Take time for some deep breathing while rolling your shoulders forward and back (slowly) and stretch your neck muscles.

There are herbal supplements, such as tumeric, that are also supposed to be good for inflammation.

I am sorry you are struggling as I know how painful it can be. Are you doing anything to treat your anxiety?

---------- Post added at 12:02 ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 ----------

Thought this might be helpful--- from "Symptoms" to the left of this page:

Muscles, muscle tension, stiffness, muscle twitching, tight scalp or neck

What you feel:

You feel like your muscles are always tight or strained, sometimes to the point of frequent pain, or even persistent and ongoing pain. Some may also find the pain so restricting and debilitating that it prevents physical activity, and sometimes to the point of becoming bed ridden. It's also common to experience pain or cramps in any of the body's muscles.
A particular joint in your body feels unusually stiff and sore, or hard to move. It may even feel arthritic. Sometimes you feel you may be 'seizing up'.
For no apparent reason, a particular muscle will begin to twitch. This twitching will continue for an unusual amount of time before it stops of its own accord. Sometimes it twitches so long it becomes sore, and may continue on and off for days.
You may feel that your scalp is sore, has shooting pains, or that the back of your neck and head are very tense. Even though there is no apparent reason for this, they continue to.

What causes this:

Stress biology causes muscles to contract (tighten) so that the body is more resilient to an attack. The higher the stress biology, the more tense the muscles will be. Some people experience mild tenseness while others may experience great pain, sometimes to the point of immobility. Others experience uncontrollable muscle twitching. It can be one particular muscle over and over again, or it can be a wide variety of muscles. Sometimes the twitching can last for days.
Regular exercise helps to keep tight muscles relaxed. Some find relief through massage therapy or warm baths.
As with all symptoms, when the nervous system gets sufficient rest, this symptom will diminish and eventually subside.

29-01-14, 18:26
Thank you every1 for taking the time to read and reply yo my post x im goin to try n relax xxx

29-01-14, 18:33
Warm baths to relax the muscles, massage and physio should help with tension.

29-01-14, 18:37
Thank you every1 for taking the time to read and reply yo my post x im goin to try n relax xxx

One more piece of advice-you should buy memory foam pillow for neck posture. It's fairly cheap but really does help-since a lot of neck problems arise from bad posture while sleeping.