View Full Version : What is the answer/cure

29-01-14, 16:43
Please someone tell me what the cure is for anxiety it is absolutely crippling my life and i cannot put up with it any longer.

Please someone help me there must be a cure, or something i can do to stop this. 14 years of this is about as much as i can take!!!

:( please someone help me

29-01-14, 16:53
Hi Rotunda,
I would like to highly encourage you to read "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes.

What avenues have you already pursued in the way of therapy and medication?

29-01-14, 16:55
If there was an easy cure then we wouldn't be in this position, unfortunately.

Curing anxiety takes a lot of dedication, devotion and motivation. It involves changing lifestyles, from cutting out caffeine and tobacco to exercising more and starting new hobbies. Counselling and CBT is a good place to start, and depending on the severity of the anxiety, medication along side. Change of attitude and behaviour is the biggest factor in curing anxiety, changing one's mindset from 'I can't do this' to 'Let's give this a go.' I would even go as far as saying that the road to recovery from anxiety is life changing, I am certainly not the same person two years ago!

Read around the forums and ask questions as there is an abundance of information and advice. Be prepared for a long and difficult journey.

29-01-14, 17:17
The cure lies within, as Rennie has said above.

It does exist and you will get there eventually but one of the first steps is to accept that it's not going to be an overnight change.

Whatever is causing your anxiety right now may have been sitting in the back of your mind for years so there's a bit of unravelling to do and you need to have the dedication with therapy to change the way you think. It's very, very rewarding when you manage it and you won't have to feel this way again.

Many people try CBT first as this is the easiest therapy to access and it has great results for anxiety. Try phoning Anxiety UK (http://www.anxietyuk.org.uk/) to access subsidised private therapy at a low cost, or go to your GP and ask about CCBT (computerised CBT) resources in your area. Ask to be put on the CBT waiting list at the same time. Basically, the waiting list can take a while, so doing something by yourself and learning as much as possible as you go along is a good idea.

If there are no CCBT courses in your area, there are two available online for free. Try http://www.llttf.com/index.php?section=page&page_seq=8 and www.moodgym.anu.edu.au for starters.

If you have a search around you'll also find free mindfulness courses, which are great to do alongside CBT. They're very good for learning relaxation and to stop you from ruminating.

Lifestyle changes like Rennie mentioned are also a quick way to reduce anxiety - exercise and getting outside at least once a day, quitting caffeine, quitting nicotine if you smoke, reducing your alcohol consumption (or leaving off altogether until your anxiety calms down), eating well (i.e. good solid meals, not snacking on chocolate and crisps), can significantly decrease panic quite quickly and make it a little more comfortable for you.

Good luck :)

29-01-14, 18:12
Gluten free diet has CURED me. Literally! I do not get anxious or panic anymore.

I'm not going to type it all out again, but search for my posts.

29-01-14, 20:29
thank you all for your input i will take it all on board

I'm on citaropram at the moment and i also take diazipam when things get really bad.

I have so much motivation and the prospect that this could be life changing is massive to me. I just need to know what i need to do.

thank you all