View Full Version : Internal Vibrations and Cloudy Urine

30-01-14, 03:41
No - I don't think these are connected. But, I have two simoultaneous issues and I'm wondering if anybody else can shed some light...

I'll start off by acknowledging I suffer from HA. However, through meds and CBT, things have been much better, but these physical symptoms are setting off alarm bells. Boo.

First: I've been getting this weird vibration feeling. I would say it primarily feels like it's happening around my left flank. Mostly below the ribs, but a little above. No pain, but feels like there is a cell phone on vibrate in there. Maybe not that extreme, 50% of what you might expect from a cell phone. Pretty constant. I initially felt as though it only happened upon exhalation, but it seems to happen whenever it feels like it. Again, no pain - no REAL issues, but it is annoying and sending my HA through the roof (thank goodness for this site). I've been using Klonopin a little more frequently than usual of late, but haven't in a couple of days (MAX I was taking daily was .5mg, maybe 3 or 4 days in a row). Could this be withdrawal? In that same flank area, it feels like a pulled muscle in the region. Could it just be spasms? Can they happen for this long at a time and so fast (usually, for me, spasms are kinda a couple twitches and done. This is like constant vibration). I dunno - has me worried...

Secondly: Cloudy Urine. I would say I have cloudy urine 5 times a week for the past several months. I figure I urinate 35 or so times a week, so percentage wise it's maybe 15% of the time? Doesn't hurt to pee, no more frequently than usual, never happens back to back (though today it happened twice in the same day for the first time). Of course Dr. Google says kidney disease, UTI, etc - but I don't really have the other symptoms...

I have been especially fatigued lately and the depression and anxiety has flared pretty bad the last week - is it all connected to that? I hate chalking EVERYTHING up to anxiety...

Thanks y'all...

30-01-14, 20:35
Most people with anxiety get the sense of internal vibrations throughout their body, but when I pull a muscle or use a muscle more often than usual I will get a similar sensation of internal vibrations.

As for cloudy urine - mild UTI? You can get a UTI with no or very few symptoms because they can be really mild. You don't have to do anything about a UTI that's causing you no bother because your immune system will beat it down eventually.

02-02-14, 09:55
Hi I also suffer from internal vibrations pretty constant, from the minute I wake up to the moment I go to sleep, they are scarey and I have had them for just over a month. Twitching and trembling are classic signs of anxiety, I am on day 12 of 10mg of citalopram and hope very soon these symptoms will disappear. Hope this helps to put ur mind at ease

06-02-14, 02:29
I believe everything is connected so what you are experiencing along with the anxiety is more than likely connected. Our bodies are a whole and each bit depends on something else, so if something is out of balance it can set off a cascade of other symptoms. THis is where I think doctors get it so wrong - they look at each symptom individually and if there isn't a drug for it, they say it's in your head and not to worry. My experience is that if you can figure out the root cause and start healing your body from the inside the symptoms will resolve. That's been my experience anyway. Also, I believe anxiety is just another symptom and of course it's connected. I don't htink it's any coincidence that just about everyone on this forum has a multitude of other symptoms. The turning point for me was finding out that a lot of the food we eat is responsible for the way we feel - particularly wheat, but also sugar and processed food.