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View Full Version : A little bit about myself

30-01-14, 09:12

I don't know where to start really....I am in my early forties and was diagnosed with anxiety/depression in my early twenties and have tried probably every med available (all had good and bad points for me apart from venlafaxine....nightmare!!). I have recently started group CBT in the hope that this will help, twenty years of papering over the cracks is taking its toll. My situation is I seem to live life in a bubble, not really participating, more observing and devoid of emotion. Most of the time I function ok but I find just doing this takes all my energy and I feel no fulfillment in anything I do, its a constant battle.
I was wondering if anyone else has experience of group CBT as I know it is early days with me but it is in my nature to be pessimistic but I would really love to think this could make sense of my life and allow me to live a 'normal' life.

Thanks for your time.


30-01-14, 19:02
Hi Kjay :D

:welcome: to the site.

You have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people hear who understand what your going through.

Please take time to read through the site, eg, self help/first steps/coping as well as all info on the site itself, there are lots of advice on threads too.

Kjay, it maybe more helpful to you and you may get more replies, if you ask your questions in the appropriate place...eg

If your asking a question about anxiety, put your post up in general anxiety, more people will read it there. :yesyes: