View Full Version : Sorry, a poo thread!

30-01-14, 11:49
For at least a week now, when I go to the toilet and wipe there is gritty bits there? sorry TMI! I have noo idea what it could be! I thought it was something I had eaten,. but it just wont go!

Does anyone know if blood would turn gritty?

Thankssss :) xx

30-01-14, 12:14
It does sound like somethng you are eating. Is there something you eat every day or every other day. Like granary bread or something with bits in?? Or crunchy peanut butter, the list is endless of foods that would give you gritty bits. Have you started eating something new before this??

Blood would show as either black tarry stools or red in or on poo.

30-01-14, 12:21
My poo is of normal colour and there is no blood, its just these gritty bits! If i didnt know any better I would say I had been eating miniscule stones!

The only thing that has changed in my diet is that I eat toast on a morning, but its just white Warburtons bread?? xx

30-01-14, 12:25
For at least a week now, when I go to the toilet and wipe there is gritty bits there? sorry TMI! I have noo idea what it could be! I thought it was something I had eaten,. but it just wont go!

Does anyone know if blood would turn gritty?

Thankssss :) xx

Because it's poo? I don't want to know how you know the bits were gritty ~shudder~

Positive thoughts and poo threads

30-01-14, 12:31
Sorry Fishmanpa! I knew you would comment ;)

30-01-14, 12:40
Sorry Fishmanpa! I knew you would comment ;)

~lol~ How could I not?! Really though... it's just poo (said as I sip my coffee out of my Bristol Stool Chart mug ;) )...I've been a 1-2 for ages now ~lol~ (due to treatment and meds). I can't remember the last time I pooed a curly snake! Considering what we put into our bodies it's no wonder it takes the plethora of forms it does, but it's just poo. Just don't answer honestly when people ask what's on your mind ;)

Friend: So AO... what's on your mind? You look like you're pre-occupied with something.

AO: Well, to be honest, gritty bits in my poo :(

Friend: :huh:...:ohmy:

Positive thoughts

30-01-14, 12:48
Haha thanks, Fishmanpa!! xx