View Full Version : CAN Anxiety cause Seizures HELP???

30-01-14, 12:02
it was 8.00 am no sleep
i was playing and listening to music. i started feeling dizzy in the stomach (Nausea) weird taste in saliva (Spit), and i just quit it. because i knew that something can happen
so i remember laying down INSTANTLY i have a dream maybe real idk
i see a freeway a big light speeding past my eyes 1000 Kilometers an hour. i open my eyes in the dream and fall to the ground having a seizure.. i feel paralyzed i try escaping the dream within a dream and i try violently.. i open my eyes and i get up and i feel drowsy still and groggy.. my mum says come hear have the spaghetti i start eating and she starts talking i'm so angry cussing at her.. so i lay on the couch i close my eyes... and i have another dream of having a seizure i feel paralyzed Again..this is actually in my dream not awake.
i open my eyes 5 hours later and i jump and say ahhh that's just a dream..
why did i feel groggy before going t the couch? i have a poor sleep pattern.. and i had no memory.. i just started getting my memory back now.. did i have a seizure my anxiety is ****ing killing me sorry.... did i have some kind of seizure asleep?

---------- Post added at 12:02 ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 ----------

going to the couch was real... and i fell in my dream

30-01-14, 12:06
Not sure that's a seizure, worth describing it exactly to a doctor as we can't really help you.
As an uninformed guess it sounds like you have been very tired and suffered sleep paralysis. Seizures usually involve unconsciousness then consciousness without the sufferer knowing what happened in between, but I suppose that could be just one type.
Can you tell us about your sleeping pattern? What times have you been asleep this week? And have you taken any street drugs? (have to ask)
Make an appointment with the doc if you haven't already please or ask your mum to, take care and perhaps try have a short nap :)

30-01-14, 12:16
no drugs... sleep times 10.00 am too about 3pm.. 8am too about 1

30-01-14, 12:55
May I ask why your sleeping pattern is so bad?

It sounds to me like you really need sleep and also to sort the times you sleep out. I know I've had similar dreams, and also sleep paralysis and it sounds like that could be what it is.

I had a dream once where I was lied on my bed (not sure if I just woke up) and could hardly breath, I stumbled out of my bed turned the light on and collapsed in front of the door. I know there was no way this could of happened as my brother use to sleep in the same room as me and he would of been woken up by the light.

Our minds play lots of tricks on us, especially if we are tired. By all means though, if your worried see a doctor :)

30-01-14, 16:40
That's a really strange sleeping pattern - you're 15 shouldn't you be at school 10am to 3pm?!

30-01-14, 16:50
That's a really strange sleeping pattern - you're 15 shouldn't you be at school 10am to 3pm?!

Exactly what I was thinking!

31-01-14, 02:40
well we started school today. summer break and my symptoms are very much like a partial seizure.. i just needed to know.. anxiety can trigger those

31-01-14, 10:54
Have you made an appointment with your doctor yet? Even just abouty your anxiety?