View Full Version : Does this sound like a panic attack and anxiety?? HELP!!

30-01-14, 12:34
Hi I was at work a while back and all of a sudden I just came over a little funny and from.what the doctor tells me I experienced tinnitus due to stress after an examination. Anyway I have always been very self aware and do panic when it vomes to my health. But immediately after I just had to get outside so I did then I just felt very strange I had to sit down my jeart was racing and I just remembered feeling very helpless and felt weak it was like my body went into slow motion and I just felt very unsteady tired and just wanted to go to bed this whole thing lasted maybe 5 minutes but the more I thought about it the more I seemed to panic. Does this sound like a panic attack? Is the "slowed down drunk" feeling due to hyperventilation?.. this happened 4 months ago and ever since I just seem to be stuck in this cycle of fear that it will happen again. I worry about being too far from home I also get weird symptoms when I am in large crowds such as dizziness and not feeling with it at all but as soon as im within my own comfort zone so to speak I feel fine?

Any advice or tips would be appreciated


30-01-14, 12:48
My first was more or less the same,

i was walking shopping and then i got pins and needles in my handle then felt very strange, i felt like i was going to faint and unsteady.

I sat down and then my heart was racing and i mean really racing, i thought i was having a heart attack !

Ive had heart tests since, 24hr monitor and an echo and they are fine.

Since then i have worried constantly and feel spaced out, dizzy ( and basically not the saem since the first episode ).

i keep feeling lightheaded when i walk sometimes and have episodes where i feel like i am detached from my own body, its bizzare.

Today i woke up and felt off, then at about 10am my right side of my face was on fire and i felt like i was going to faint. Lasted for about 2 hours and now i feel okayish.

i have been told its anxiety and it probably is but i worry so much over it, i find it hard to believe i can be fine 6 months ago adn now i feel off everyday !

30-01-14, 13:39
Hi james. Thanks for your reply. Did you feel dazed and confused after the attack?. I'm exactly the same its like the slightest little thing makes me panic if I get a tingle im not used to or a palpitation. It sends me into a mad state of panic and fear that I have a serious illness. I have got alot better I was at a stage that I wouldn't move from my bed because I was convinced I would make myself worse.


30-01-14, 14:10
yes, if i have an episode now, it knocks me completely and i dont feel normal for days after.

Even now though i havent had panic attacks but all week i have felt off and dazed.

I also keep getting pains in my arms on and off too !

It gets me down, because i can just be sitting at my desk in work and then suddenly i start to feel strange its, bizzare.

30-01-14, 14:43
I can relate to everything that has been written on this thread.

OP: Your description sounds exactly like a panic attack. I often find myself feeling spaced out, and realise it's because I had started to take short shallow breaths without even realising. This panic thing really does sneak up on us.

I find that if I tell myself "You're just having a panic attack" and focus on something (whether that be something stationary to show yourself you're not *actually* dizzy, or whether thats other thoughs to take your mind off what's happening) to get you through.

I have tried all sorts of diversionary tactics, and if I feel weird, I start to ask myself questions in my head. Just really silly things like: "What am I going to have for tea?" or sometimes I do some mental arithmetic to take my mind off it. Working out finances, or spending money or something.

One thing to remember is NOT to avoid these situations that make you feel like this. By all means learn to recognise your triggers, but DON'T let them stop you doing things. I made this mistake, and it just meant that it got worse and worse, and I panicked over smaller and smaller things. You need to put yourself into those situations, just tell yourself "it's no big deal. I can do it".

I know I've rattled this off as if it's the easiest thing in the world, but believe it, it's sodding difficult. Sometimes even positive thought, or recognising that it is actually panic, and not some serious disorder is difficult. You've got to try and train yourself out of it though - it does work - even if it's hard work.

You have my every sympathy, and all the best!
