View Full Version : two year old son has swollen lymph node side of neck

30-01-14, 13:30
The other day he fell asleep with his neck to the side, and we noticed a bump. I felt it, and it seemed like a little bullet. I wasn't super concerned because I know kids lymph nodes can swell more than adults, and also we are in prime virus time (although he seems healthy). Last night I looked for it, and it seemed bigger. Although sometimes I can find it, and sometimes I cannot. I cannot feel it on the other side. He is going to have a doc appt soon, and I will mention it. For now I am just looking for reassurance, and wondering if anyone has kids who had this. From Dr Google it does seem relatively common, but I am still stressed. We just went through an ultrasound for him for a hernia. It ended up being ok, but was stressful.

30-01-14, 13:50
Hi robin my eldest child has had these threw out his life since the age of 18 months they worried me sick you can see my sons still he doesn't have to turn his head to see them they pretrude out his kneck he's now 15 don't over worry yourself it happens x

30-01-14, 14:26
Stay away from google, even its reassurance is false.

30-01-14, 18:01
Thanks! It is reassuring to know at least one other person has been through something similar.

I keep wanting to check him... sometimes I cannot find it. But other times I do, and it feels bigish... If it wasnt for him sleeping in that position, we would likely have never noticed.

I am just finding it hard to concerntrate on anything else.

I saw my therapist 2 days ago, and felt great even though I noticed this on the weekend... but now I am stressed. Funny (or not) how that works.

30-01-14, 18:15
Robin, bear in mind that it doesn't have to be a lymph node at all-it can be some benign cartilage or bone growth/asymmetry. Our bodies are full of those. I'm not a doctor, but that now your see me now your don't behaviour of the node smells of the thing not being node at all ;)

30-01-14, 20:24
If it is a lymph node then there would no reason for concern. My lymph nodes are up and down all over my body constantly, I don't know if my immune system is a bit sensitive or something. Often my doctor or dentist will notice glands up around my neck/jaw and ask if I have a cold or something and I will have no symptoms at all. They go down after a couple of weeks.

A swollen lymph node is of no concern whatsoever, especially on a kid who is exposed to all kinds of germs he won't have been exposed to before :)

30-01-14, 22:30
Hi my son had this. I remember noticing the lump when I was trying to pin him down in a shop to be measured for his first pair of shoes and feeling faint at the sight of it!
Cant remember exactly what the doctor said but he did have to go for a blood test which turned out fine. Im happy to say my son celebrates his 18th this year :)

30-01-14, 22:33
My daughter had a swollen lymph node for several weeks on one side, below her jaw nr the ear. Eventually went to the doc who said it was common and to come back after 2 weeks. It had gone down by then. I was worried because she had not been ill and had no symptoms, but apparently that is common too.

30-01-14, 22:52
Thanks everyone!
I did take him to the doc. The dr wasn't concerned. He just said to watch it, but that it is very common and he likely has a virus (even if he doesn't have outward symptoms). The doc couldn't even find it, which he said prob means it is moveable which is good.

30-01-14, 23:05
Glad all is Ok... Based on what you said, I didn't think it was a concern. In the future, unless he's cranky, fevery or miserable, let him be. He's two and they get stuff....and don't be poking and prodding his nodes! It's bad enough y'all do that to yourselves ;)

Positive thoughts

30-01-14, 23:55
It's good you got reassurance from the doctor. My little guy is 19 months and he has one behind his ear he has had it since birth. I've made the doctor check it 3 times. He said it's nothing.

31-01-14, 10:20
My son has 4 in a row there big aswell always visible and always have been long as they move it's good everybody's body is different he will be fine x

31-01-14, 13:41
Thanks everyone. I am happy I got to see the doc so fast. He is a very happy, energetic little boy. I am take this as good news and enjoy the weekend : )