View Full Version : genital anaesthesia on citalopram

30-01-14, 15:13
Hi this is one for the guys, well, maybe girls can relate too? but anyway its somewhat personal and abit... sexual so sorry if it offends anyone or anything..

anyway I've noticed some times that as well as having the problems of reaching orgasm some times when i actually manage to ejaculate i don't get the pleasure feeling? I've been on cit for over a year and i've had this afew times on and off but recently i've managed to worry myself over it.

I believe the term is genital anaesthesia..

Anyone else had this? Just need some reassurance as its freaking me out.

30-01-14, 16:48
It's a common side affect. I feel the same at times. My sex drive has dropped but i feel grood day to day so I'm ok with that . I'm gradually reducing down from 20MG and i wonder if my old urges will come back .I guess i'll have to just wait and see

30-01-14, 16:55
Really? ok thats alot off my mind, thank you. So not having the pleasure sensation when you actually manage to is common? Just goes to show you should never Dr. Google...

From what you said I can help you too actually...

I went from 40mg to 20mg and my god! the change was amazing umm "things" were all back to normal for a good month or so BUT once the meds had leveled out im afraid to say that it all started again...

Hope that helps.

30-01-14, 16:59
Sadly, this is all too common with SSRIs - with particular ones such as paroxetine and citalopram being more renowned for it than others.

It usually returns after stopping the drug concerned.

You could possibly try taking sildenafil (the generic term for viagra) and seeing if that helps? Even if you can still 'get it up', it can still help with the feeling. As its off-patent its really cheap from somewhere like tesco or asda pharmacy.

30-01-14, 17:11
Thank you so much this is helping my mind alot. I suffer from health anxiety and I'm trying to stop my mind before it starts...

citalopram is indeed what I'm on I knew it could cause issues with erection and also reaching climax but i had no idea it could actually stop the sensations of pleasure you feel when you umm "get there"

Sorry if any of this sounds a little crude... Just needed to know.

30-01-14, 17:55
And this is one if the good drugs! Others may turn you into having no interest in sex at all.