View Full Version : Speeding up breast clinic?

30-01-14, 15:22
Hi all,

I've noticed some bad swelling/tenderness in one of my breasts & I've been referred to a breast clinic by my GP. But the appointment isn't for two weeks and in the past couple of days I think I found a lump and obviously I'm terrified about how long it'll take & can't get the thought that a delay could make things worse (I've lost some family members recently to aggressive cancers, though thankfully not breast cancer)

I told my GP earlier about the lump but he said as I've already been referred there's nothing he can do. I can't afford to go private but I've had some really bad experiences with the NHS recently and know you only get something if you really demand it

The stress & anxiety is killing me and making it hard to sleep, eat etc. . Is there any way of being able to speed up getting tested? I know rationally the odds are in my favour but knowing it could be another month or more before I get any results is making it really hard :weep:

Is there any advice? Can I speed up the appointment somehow?


30-01-14, 17:13
The breast clinic must see you within 2 weeks if your Dr has sent this type of referral which it sounds as if he has. There really is nothing he can do to speed it up. You will have a contact phone number on your appt, have you rung them and explained your severe anxiety and if they could give you an earlier appt if someone cancels although it would be extremely unlikley that anyone would cancel this type of appt.

Two weeks will not make a huge difference in what is wrong regardelss of the outcome. Even with worse case scenario of being diagnosed with breast cancer you still have to wait for an operation or whatever. The hardest part is the waiting.

Please don't keep prodding and poking your breasts as this can inflame tissue and this will feel like more lumps.

I understand perfetly how you are feeling but doubt you can bring the appt forward. Hugs