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View Full Version : Help me, my life is being ruined by health anxiety

30-01-14, 15:51
Hi, I'm 16 and I have severe health anxiety and depression. I have some lymph nodes in my neck that I can feel. I have a full body blood test and everything came back fine(these tests are very good as it showed that I am developing hypothyroidism even though I haven't got it yet). I can't seem to convince myself that I am ok even though my blood tests came back fine. I constantly touch my neck in the place where the lymph nodes are and I am sure that I should not be touching them because I could just be agitating them and making them a little bit swollen. It also doesn't help that I am skinny and I can feel them easily. I am currently seeing a councillor which helps a bit because she makes me realise that I am not unwell but this relief only lasts for a short amount of time. I really need help this is ruining my life and I am starting to feel so low that I sometimes consider taking my own life.
Please help me see sense:weep:

30-01-14, 15:58
I have some lymph nodes in my neck that I can feel.

You and another 4-5 billion people.

I can't seem to convince myself that I am ok even though my blood tests came back fine. I constantly touch my neck in the place where the lymph nodes are and I am sure that I should not be touching them because I could just be agitating them and making them a little bit swollen.


I am currently seeing a councillor which helps a bit because she makes me realise that I am not unwell but this relief only lasts for a short amount of time.

Have you considered medications? They can really help. If the relief last shortly, maybe you should raise that question at your next meeting with counselor.

I sometimes consider taking my own life.

Ok, now think: if you really want to take your own life, why are you afraid of diseases? Doesn't make sense, does it ;)

30-01-14, 15:59
Hello and welcome to NMP Michy! I'm the same age and HA is one of my many problems aswell.

I use to poke and prod around my nodes, even after my blood tests were fine. I even use to measure them to check if they had grown, and yes like you I made mine sore to touch which caused them to swell.

You should be greatful you've actually found a little something wrong! most people never find anything, yet still go back for more and more tests :)

In regards to taking your own life, think of your family and friends, think of how much of your life you still have and where you want to be when your older. Trust me your going to be fine, there are many people who feel the same as you, including myself. Keep smiling :)

Please, if you ever need any help feel free to message me.

Good luck and :welcome: