View Full Version : panic ??

30-01-14, 19:02
Hi all for 13 years i have suffered panic attacks and have always had the lightheadedness dizzies etc, i have had this once before but it frightened the s..t out of me, i was standing up and all of a sudden i went dizzy really dizzy and thought i was going to hit the deck anyway i managed to get to the kitched where the feeling was there with me all the time, my heart races permantly now im lying on the bed heart racing trembling inside feeling cold and have a banging headache as my racing heart has send my bp up and now im too frightened to get up does this sound like a panic attack or something else thank you

31-01-14, 03:25
Hi, Kimbo,
Yes, I believe it sounds EXACTLY like a panic attack, and because you are scared of it happening again your sympathetic nervous system is pumping out more adrenaline to get you ready for "fight or flight" and therefore you are constant loop of symptoms- fear, adrenaline, fear.

Have you checked out "Symptoms" and/or "Panic Attacks" on this page to the left?