View Full Version : Wake up call...

30-01-14, 19:03
Hi all, I went to finalise my mortgage today, was approved btw :)
However I had to sign up for life cover... I got a huge reality check...
I had to answer a series of questions and because I've seen a consultant I had to run through stuff in the phone with the under writer...
Now firstly I had to say about the dizziness, then the mris, then the cardiologist then my anxiety, then the neurosurgeon, then the ENT, it was quite embarrassing infront of the bank manager...

When I got off the phone he said either your a hypochondriac or unlucky! It hit me like a ton of bricks!! I am a hypochondriac :(

I feel totally miserable now.... I keep getting this vile symptom today of a horrid tightness in my throat which gets worse when I'm stressed... Is this typical anxiety? It's a new one for me!

30-01-14, 19:21
I am a hypochondriac :(

Is this typical anxiety? It's a new one for me!

Yes it is.

Why on Earth is everybody so embarrassed? I don't get that. HA is an illness, just like anything else. Would you be so embarrassed if you had cancer?

I don't like I have HA, I am trying to get that out of my body and mind but embarrassed-not for one minute. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Winston Churchill suffered from anxiety all his life. Imagine what would have happened if he had been embarrassed instead of fighting Hitler.

30-01-14, 19:41

I wouldn't say I'm embarrassed its the stigma that surrounds it!
People seem to have a real thing about mental health issues and it is frustrating :(
Most people think hypochondria means you make up your symptoms not that there real....

It's difficult...

30-01-14, 19:45

I wouldn't say I'm embarrassed its the stigma that surrounds it!
People seem to have a real thing about mental health issues and it is frustrating :(
Most people think hypochondria means you make up your symptoms not that there real....

It's difficult...

I know what you mean, but still...You have to be above all that, not ashamed of your condition, as it is perfectly treatable, curable and it doesn't make you an insane person.

We've got only one life, and we need to make the most out of it. If the process of making the most out of it makes some ignorant people think we're loonies-c'est la vie, eh? ;)

All these people that think anxiety makes you a nutcase-are they really, really worthy of your time and/or concern? I wouldn't think so :)