View Full Version : Is Muscle twitching/jerking normal? Am I the only one?

30-01-14, 21:27
Hi, Im 20 year old Male. For the past few days im noticing either my legs or arms jerk uncontrollable for 1 second, when Im sitting down, my arms/hands jerk, for example, my hands on the keyboard staying still, then it moves without me moving it? it jerks.

I typed in on Google, "Muscle Twitching/jerking, first thing that comes up is epilepsy, my main fear!

Who else gets these that are not epileptic, or not currently on any meds?

30-01-14, 21:43
Click the "Search" link at the top of the page and type in "muscle twitching" and you won't feel alone ;)

Positive thoughts

30-01-14, 22:13
Yup, I used to get full body jerks, sometimes in my lower back which would cause my whole body to arch forward, or sometimes in my arms, legs, hands etc. which would cause them to flail for a second like you are describing.

I'm guessing Google told you they are myoclonus? Myoclonus happens to all of us when we fall asleep. If they happen while you're awake it's often due to sleep deprivation, mental exhaustion, or simply just stress.

Do they tend to happen when you're at rest? I.e. sitting/lying down, rather than going out and about doing things? They tend to happen when your muscles are relaxed. It's your body giving you a bit of a startle to wake you up, due to adrenaline shooting round your body screaming "Don't go to sleep! There's some kind of danger!" After a while, they die down.

If epilepsy is your big fear did you get tested by the way? I did see a neurologist eventually because I had some other symptoms alongside (periods of grammatical confusion when speaking, sudden falls etc.). But I was completely fine. Neurologist said the whole thing was likely stress.

30-01-14, 22:31
Hi, Im 20 year old Male. For the past few days im noticing either my legs or arms jerk uncontrollable for 1 second, when Im sitting down, my arms/hands jerk, for example, my hands on the keyboard staying still, then it moves without me moving it? it jerks.

I typed in on Google, "Muscle Twitching/jerking, first thing that comes up is epilepsy, my main fear!

Who else gets these that are not epileptic, or not currently on any meds?

It is probably the thing called BFS (Benign Fasciculations Syndrome) and it's fairly common and utterly harmless. It's also heavily related to stress and anxiety.

I'd suggest going to neuro just to ease your mind, but he'll probably tell you the same thing. And remember, even if it is epilepsy (and 99.99% odds are it's not)-it is a perfectly treatable and non-life threatening condition.

Good health!


31-01-14, 16:49
Muscle twitching? I've had loads over many years! Usually eyes, thumb, calves and upper arm. It's a lot more common than you think and doesn't necessarily mean anything serious.

05-02-14, 23:05
Also, today, is it normal to shake during ejaculation? when during it, the right side of my chest started trembling uncontrollably? the orgasm was average, had better, but is this still normal, or not?

05-02-14, 23:28
Also, today, is it normal to shake during ejaculation? when during it, the right side of my chest started trembling uncontrollably? the orgasm was average, had better, but is this still normal, or not?

Are you sure that it was you who was shaking and not the bed?

05-02-14, 23:43
Are you sure that it was you who was shaking and not the bed?

I'm 100% sure it was me, I felt it, I wasn't having sexual intercourse, just letting one out!

05-02-14, 23:49
Well your ability to produce rapid and precise hand movements necessary for "letting one out" rules out every scary neurological disorder, I daresay.

05-02-14, 23:54
Well your ability to produce rapid and precise hand movements necessary for "letting one out" rules out every scary neurological disorder, I daresay.

Cheers, just a massive Epilepsy fear, every single symptom of it, has me in a mess all day!

There is some nice people in the Chat Room section, if you want to talk about it?

06-02-14, 00:15
Well your ability to produce rapid and precise hand movements necessary for "letting one out" rules out every scary neurological disorder, I daresay.

Now that's funny! I don't care who you are! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFlCD5CYAcU)~LOL~

Positive thoughts

06-02-14, 01:55
Some really good reading on here tonight! :roflmao:

06-02-14, 03:04
Some really good reading on here tonight! :roflmao:

Lool, it may be, but I think I over analyse something what is "normal" to be abnormal,
nobody has given me a straight answer to if it is normal or not, still worrying a tad!

06-02-14, 11:45
You CANNOT be serious. :)

06-02-14, 14:36
Hey OCD,
Didn't mean in anyway to downplay your concerns. I fully believe you are just fine, but wanted to make sure you weren't offended that I got tickled by where the thread went. :)

06-02-14, 14:52
"Is Muscle twitching/jerking normal? Am I the only one?"

To be a "bit" more on the serious side and answer the question posed in the title :)

Muscle twitching is a normal thing regardless of anxiety. However, anxiety causes more frequent symptoms of twitching muscles.

The jerking aspect, albeit confined to the male of the human species, is normal as well and no, you wouldn't be the only one who does so nor twitches upon "letting one out" ;)

Positive thoughts

06-02-14, 17:46
I think it's normal, yes. Both my dad and I get eye twitches, leg twitches and when I was younger my hands would often just randomly shake! I think it has a lot to do with anxiety and tiredness :)

06-02-14, 20:41
Sorry mate, don't be offended but I laughed at the start with the "letting one out", laughed harder at Andrash reply then nearly wet myself when you mentioned "leaves me in a right mess". Priceless, if Carlsberg done threads....
Laughter is good guys, keeps the dragon at bay.


06-02-14, 20:50
I think even my dragon is laughing now………...:roflmao:

07-02-14, 07:59
I think this should definitely become a sticky. Beats poo threads by a country mile. :)

What really got me was the contrast in wording, between "sexual intercourse" and "letting one out". :D

Sorry OCD, no offence please, but this is bloody hilarious! :roflmao: