View Full Version : Please please PLEASE help me?

30-01-14, 23:15

I'm so in need of help. I've had panic attacks and anxiety etc for about 4 years now. Lately it's gone a bit downhill as I've come off one type of medication and been prescribed another but because there was a gap inbetween I'm now too scared to take the new tablets. Aside from me, it's affecting my loved ones and I hate that. That's the bit I hate the most. I've put their lives on hold for 4 years and I hate that. I'm feeling so completely down and don't know what to do. Please can anyone help?

Thank you.

30-01-14, 23:21
Take the medication offered to you, your doc must think its fine and he knows what he's talking about. You've been on tablets before so these are no different are they? You'll be fine, just hang on in and take them :-)

30-01-14, 23:24
Hi gem welcome I am sorry to hear u are finding things tough at the moment, anxiety affects many people including myself. I am currently taking citalopram for 2 weeks nearly and to be honest not noticed much difference in my anxiety levels, I pretty much wake up and go to sleep feeling anxious- thats when I do sleep which is another problem. I hope u start to feel better soon. Whats meds were u supposed to be taking?

30-01-14, 23:37
Hi thanks so much for replying. I'm feeling so down tonight. I completely trust my doc, I'm just worried is all. I know that it will all be ok, well I'm feeling positive about it I just can't take them.

And thanks Squirrel, yeah I was on Citalopram, worked like a dream for me, but had recently stopped working as well so doc switched me to Sertraline and I'm scared of taking them. I worry that once they are in that's it, there's nothing I can do about it. Good on you for taking the Citalopram, they really worked for me, so I hope they do the same for you :)

31-01-14, 00:18

Sorry to hear you're struggling :( You asked for help and I will jump on the bus and say you need to take your meds. What can anyone here do to help otherwise? The one med stopped working so your doctor prescribed another.

Your choices are: Don't take them and suffer or take them and the worst that can happen is they don't work and your doctor will have to try something else. That's it really.

Positive thoughts

Daisy Sue
31-01-14, 00:19
I think you can get to such a level of anxiety that even taking meds to make things better is a step into the unknown and brings its own anxieties. The thing you have to remember is that this isn't just another fear, a symptom of anxiety - this is what you actually need to get back on track. Don't worry about it being 'in you' and there's nothing you can do about it - it's what your body needs. And if, in the very unlikely event, the meds don't agree with you, you can stop them and get something else from the gp.

Sometimes we have to be brave and take that step into the unknown, especially if it's going to give us the help we so desperately need.

I think you should just do it.... think of all the positives.

24-02-14, 12:36
Thanks so much for the replies. I have still yet to take meds. I'm seeing a CBT therapist which is good. Although on the flip side, I'm having more crappy times than good at the moment and it's getting me down. Little things that I used to be able to do I can't do at the moment and it's incredibly frustrating and upsetting

24-02-14, 12:58
Gem.... it's been nearly a month since you've been off medication. You're feeling more anxious. This is a simple case of 1+1=2 IMO. What can anyone here do to help or encourage you if you're not doing what the doctor ordered to help you?

Perhaps discuss this with your CBT therapist and see what he/she says.

Hope you feel better.

Positive thoughts

blue moon
24-02-14, 13:34
Hi Gem.....coming off meds,of course you are going to feel this way and worse,IS did the same but realised I needede to take the new tablet my husband prescribe Avanza,it has worked wonders for me,nothing bad will happen to you so do not worry.

24-02-14, 18:40
I feel exactly the same way... I never been on medication but i will. as of now im just using alcohol which helps alot. i know its a bad thing to do but i have to get through my days. im losing friends, girlfriend and family members. its hard i know but think of this. you made it this far so you can do it! hard yeah no one understands you. no one knows your pain and no one can help you. we all need to help ourself. sucks to hear because i hear it alot but im not going to kill myself. im not going to do anything crazy because like everyone on this forum tells me theres a way, chance whatever you wana call it. they know exactly how i feel and i know exactly how you feel. stay strong. yes its freakn hard but thats the way we deal with ourselves. we're all dying. stay strong plz. Im losing the love of my life because of this feeling. do it

Dissolved girl
24-02-14, 19:24
I have just started taking Setraline too (100mg) because my fluoxetine stopped working.

At first i was too scared to take them because of 'side effects' but i wasn't able to deal with the anxiety on my own very well.
Since having been back to the doctor i have now switched. I am on my 6th day of taking them. There have been ups and downs but from what i have read about the drug i am glad that i started. A lot of people have positive stories and at the end of the day you can always come off of them.
Ask the doctors for some valium for the 'bad' days to take the edge off
This has also really helped the switch