View Full Version : the need to go the toilet

20-11-06, 13:28
As i am about recovered now,the only problem i have when travelling is the need to go the toilet,i use national express coaches as they have a toilet,but no matter how many times a go i still have the feeling to go again[Sigh...] any advice,anyone have the same problem?

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

20-11-06, 14:09
Hi Tony,

I find at times I seem to be going far more that usual. There is no pattern to it and I'm not to worried about it.

Have you had your waterworks checked at all by GP. You may have a slight infection, but if it is only when travelling I'd say it was anxiety about the journey.


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

21-11-06, 11:50
Happens to me everytime I travel and has since I was a child..I always discontinue anything to drink an hour before..Or just hold it..its pretty normal...more nerves than anxiety..

22-11-06, 03:09
i pee alot if im very anxious

29-11-06, 04:14
My urges aren't number ones if you get my meaning! I get terrible runs before I can go out anywhere and can visit the loo anything up to 10 times. When I had CBT I was assured by the therapist that my fear of cr*pping myself was just that, a fear and in my head, but I have had accidents, several times, when there hasn't been a toilet nearby. I just don't know what to do about this any more. There is no physical cause just these thoughts that pop into my head!! HELP.....

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....I thought I could, I thought I could, I thought I could...

29-11-06, 08:18
This is the one i really stuggle with too, we are advised to let the panic happen but you cant let 'that' happen ! I also hate public toilets, to me they are germ ridden and i can't go to the toilet in the company of others-so humiliating. Really stuck with this as its the one element of panic i can't deal with and controls my life.

10-01-18, 20:57
hi i am a new member i have panic attacks when i am out or traveling i have had a few No 2 accidents in the car and even when just out walking i dont drive so i am in the car with others.whent for cbt was told its called fight and flight i am scared to go out alot now and is ruining my life. had this for about 40 years i am now 63 male. does anyone know of any medication you can take to help.thankyou:weep: