View Full Version : Do you hide your HA from family and friends

31-01-14, 15:48
I just wondered if HA sufferers hide their anxiety from friends and family members.
I never talk openly about my condition to my sister because she doesn't support the anxious behaviour and she has never understood anxiety therefore I am always hiding my feelings with her which as a result my anxiety increases.
I am supposed to stay around her house for a week to look after my mum(she has just had an operation) but the thought of me having a panic attack around her house terrifies me because I don't know how she is going to react, so y anxiety levels are building up already before me being there.
I do not tell friends neither because it I do I am worried they are going to start monitoring me and make me more anxious I rather not tell so I behave as normal, even when I am not feeling well when I am with them I try to keep it to myself.

31-01-14, 15:59
Star I think it's best to tell at least someone, I know I resisted support for a long time and eventually caved in under the pressure of how I felt. They knew there was something wrong as I just sat and stared at a wall all day.

There's an old Buddhist saying that says "Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

I'd tell them, as it will only make you feel more separate and therefore create even more anxiety, sometimes we all need a strong family to help us, and it's better than you crumbling on your own :)

31-01-14, 17:28
There's nothing to hide, really.

31-01-14, 17:41
For me this question is a slippery slope as they say.

Yes it's good to tell people so they can support you but I my case it's cost me friends and my family is slowly getting tired of having to support me just this morning I got into a huge fight with my wife because she asked how i was and I just said "today is a bad day" to which she responded "go figure" so I don't know if it's even good to talk to her about it anymore