View Full Version : Random moody thread

31-01-14, 18:06
Helloo everyone,

I'm just making a thread to vent a little really, has anyone ever known someone who's taken advantage of the medical system for their own gain?

A person I know gets paid alot of disability benefits every week because she's made out she has ME, I mean she could do in all that. But if she did surely she wouldn't be going out all week and staying at friends and having party's all the time, staying out till 3am ect? from what I've heard, people are at least bedridden for a couple of days a week.

Not only that another person (my step dad) has made out he has depression too get signed off of looking for a job for two weeks, basically so he can be lazy. It really gets to me. He showed me the doctors note and said whilst laughing "see your not the only one mate" but yet he complains about not having any money, even though he hardly looks for a job and spends the little money he does have on drink.

I find it horrible how there could be so many genuine people out there who don't get the support, yet people like the above can just say they have something that to be honest can't 100% be proven.

Ugh sorry about the little rant, just wish people could be a little less greedy and a little more honest! :lac:

31-01-14, 18:16
I agree totally

31-01-14, 22:12
Hi Hun

This annoys me please see my post in General Anxiety.

I suffered with Chronic Fatique Sydrome after Menigitus when I was younger, it's awful and not a laughing matter.

Luv & hugs

Jackie xx

01-02-14, 11:37
That's rough mate.
Not blessed with role models there are ya.

01-02-14, 11:46
As someone who suffers from severe anxiety and gets depression I could not think of anything worse then signing on. I hated it when I was on the dole for two weeks! Although work gets me down sometimes I do enjoy the satisfaction it gives me (to an extent) and how I can earn my own money and spend it nice things, then barely living on benefits. I cannot understand why people think life is better living off the state.

I always say to people that having a job is far better for your mental health than sitting at home doing nothing, it gives you a sense of purpose and boosts your confidence and self esteem. Unfortunately, laziness is the easier option.

01-02-14, 11:54
I couldn't agree more, I seem to depend on a structured day. Even if it's just doing silly things around the house it's a lot better than sitting around and thinking endlessly.

It just annoys me how people could take advantage of something so horrible just to be lazy and claim money.