View Full Version : Anxiety and relationships

31-01-14, 19:04
I'm worried whether my anxiety/ocd is affecting my relationship, for instance if he doesn't answer my calls or texts I think he's in a mood with me but often I find he isn't. Also, I'm always thinking what does he see in me? How can I be as fit as he says? Plus I'm worrying about if he actually means what he says, I know deep down he does cos I see it in his eyes, but does this sound like my anxiety?

01-02-14, 12:10
Sounds like insecurity which affects us all.
You don't feel you are very high in value so can't understand why he does.

I think its annoyng for everyone when someone doesn't reply. I suppose it is actually being ignored. Nobody likes that. You can give them the benefit of the doubt to a certain extent in case they're busy. But if consistently don't reply at all or for ages you can have grounds to be unhappy about it.

Secure attitude - I know I have value. This is what I want. I want someone to respond when I've communicated with them. Busy is fine. I'll wait sometimes but I want to feel I'm important enough to that person to deserve a response. If I don't get that response I'll rightly feel not valued enough by that person.
If I don't feel I get the value I deserve from you I'll dump you.

"Why don't you reply. You can't always be busy. What's the point of you if you never reply"

01-02-14, 15:03
Maybe this will help:



02-02-14, 09:39
Thank you for your replies, I think sometimes I do get insecure about the relationship, I mean this is my first and Ive never had anyone love me so much and maybe I find it hard to believe at times.

02-02-14, 10:06
I am the same at the moment, if I don't get a reply I assume he is messaging other woman.he does not seem to text back like he used to.I am on my 4th day of celtopram and mines getting worse but reading these posts gives me a little hope :) x

02-02-14, 11:11
Awwww, glad that you have found some hope in these posts Rachel, I can sympathise, your anxiety will have you believe that they dont really love you, and it leaves you feeling really bad when you do know deep inside that they love you to bits.