View Full Version : Trouble with GP or is it just me!

31-01-14, 19:27
Does anyone else have the same problems with their GP as I do? I have been suffering with anxiety and depression for the last couple of months now. This is only a recent bout but have suffered over 16 years. I do complicate things as I won't take medication but have seen 3 different GPs over this course of events with different symptoms that are worrying me as I have very physical symptoms, as do many. I have never been examined e.g ears checked due to dizziness, everything is always put down to anxiety. Only yesterday I had to call the paramedics because my stomach went into some excruciating spasm. I did not go to A&E but was asked to go to the GP which I did. I didn't even get a chance to ask about what had happened as the doctor was reading through history and was more concerned what had made me anxious in the first place. I have yet again come away from my doctors ( the only one in my town) feeling like I have no answers. Anxiety and its symptoms are bad enough but when you cannot get answers to your questions it's hard to make any progress as you can't think 'ok it's all just anxiety'.Sorry to moan on but I do find it frustrating.

31-01-14, 20:14
You and me both! You can never get answers. "Doctor I have pains in my chest and my heart has stopped" Oh it's only anxiety!!!

It's not funny though. I talked to my GP or A&E docs till I was blue in the face. 36 years of being ill I had.

Going to send you a private message.

03-02-14, 20:56
I've got to the stage to be honest where I've stopped going. I'm not feeling well at the moment and frightened to go incase I get called a hypochondriac and told it's 'only' anxiety

03-02-14, 21:22
I do get fed up when doctors see the word 'anxiety' and every ailment or symptom is immediately labeled as a result of anxiety. We should be aware that anxiety can cause what feels to be very physical symptoms, but this is a result of anxiety. But if the symptom feels different then usual or not a typical anxiety symptom then it should be explained to the doctor and examined.

Your doctor is right to find out why the anxiety developed in the first place, finding the route cause can help tackle the anxiety, thus reducing or 'curing' the symptoms.

04-02-14, 00:07
Mine to well that's wen I can get to see a doctor I am agoraphobic and asked to have full bloods done so I can rule some of my symptoms out not tonne any thing bad they came out a few yes ago to take my blood for thyroid testing but been told they can't come out no more so does that mean I don't count I did ho other week but always ask forbthebladt appountmentt of the night in saw nurse doctor told me to go see her on last appoint of the night can't get in she fully booked for two weeks which made me laugh as you not suppose to beablebtp prebook unless doc request it think the receptionist seen health anxiety and ignore you to