View Full Version : Afraid of Going Crazy-Anxiety, OCD, or worse?

31-01-14, 20:13
For the past two months I have been obsessed with going crazy and losing my mind, either suddenly snapping or, has been my most pressing worry of late, of changing into someone unrecognizable. I have always been anxious, but since starting graduate school, have become much more so.

I don't know what to do. I think about going crazy constantly, about not recognizing myself, and losing my identity. It sounds very crazy but has caused me to break down crying many times. I am terrified. Could this be caused by anxiety or OCD?

I am having strange anxiety symptoms, feeling spacey, weak, unable to distract myself to the point of not thinking about my fears. I don't feel like myself. Nothing makes me happy anymore. And I feel either very afraid and anxious or emotionally flat. I am also hyper conscious of the fact that I am thinking, if that makes any sense. I keep asking myself if this thought sounds like me, is this something I would think. I don't feel altogether here, as well, almost like I don't exist. What could be causing this? I have always been a hypochondriac, so now I fear the onset of some serious mental illness (am terrified of schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder) or a brain tumor.

Please let me know what this might be and if anyone else has felt this way before. Can it be overcome? :weep:

31-01-14, 20:33
Hello Hypo, I see this is your first post so :welcome:

This sounds like a combination of OCD and Anxiety as your anxious about going crazy which will cause you to constantly check in on yourself, therefore creating the OCD.

You really shouldn't worry, as you may have seen many people here have similar fears, but guess what? they never actually go crazy, the way your questioning what's happening to you shows your not :)

Have you tried any CBT or possibly medication?

31-01-14, 22:20
Thank you for the response! :D

No, I haven't tried any medication. There's alway the fear that it might not work. I am afraid I happen to be a pessimist on top of everything else. After all this worrying, however, I am much more open to the idea of medication.

Haven't tried CBT, either, but I am thinking I should.

31-01-14, 22:25
I would at least try one, they have both been a massive help to many :)

Good luck :)

31-01-14, 23:05
Hello and welcome - classic signs of anxiety there :) Don't worry, you'll be fine (I do realise that's difficult...)

The fear of 'going mad' is very common among all classes of anxiety, and people with health anxiety tend to worry about things such as schizophrenia or a brain tumour.

An antidepressant might help you to calm some of those thoughts, but unfortunately it's not much of a cure. It usually takes the edge off while you sort your head out. CBT is an excellent therapy for anxiety and you can take free online courses here: www.llttf.co.uk and here: www.moodgym.anu.edu.au Ask your GP to sign you up to the waiting list for proper CBT, though, as that's more effective, and use those courses to start helping yourself while you wait :)

31-01-14, 23:18
Hi,When I first started taking anxiety attacks I used to worry alot about going completely mad and losing my mind aswell due to lots of racing thoughts as I was unable to relax.
I think you should see your doctor as it sounds like you could be coming depressed and he may also give you something to relax you a bit as you sound stressed out.
Try and relax as much as possible hot baths,relaxation tapes etc.
And try and avoid stimulants such as coca cola,coffee and smoking.
But try and get to your Doctor.