View Full Version : Experience so far

31-01-14, 20:23
So I took the plunge 4 days ago and started on Cit 20mg. I have previously been on Mirtazapine 30mg which did nothing for me. I am also taking propanalol 40mg thrice daily which may have an effect.

Thought I would share experience for other nervous starters, although recognising all experiences different. I had not medicated prior to the Mirt.

Day 1 - felt a bit groggy and ditzy and struggled to sleep
Day 2 - a bit high in the morning, in the afternoon I had a sudden hot flush whilst out walking and had to sit down for a bit, then intense hunger which I fixed with some food
Day 3 - morning major high, but tired all senses ramped up, afternoon amazingly alert and positive
Day 4 - morning fatigue so slept, afternoon alert and positive

Generally I am still anxious in the morning and feel faintly nauseous or starving a lot. But the positives are far outweighing the SE so far for me, just hoping more days like day 3 ahead

31-01-14, 21:15
Hello and welcome to nmp, hopefully your on the right track good luck x
you will find lots of help and support here :D

01-02-14, 08:59
Thanks, I have been lurking for a while, seems a great place.

01-02-14, 11:35
Hey Z, welcome

01-02-14, 16:32
WOW! great start particularly as you are on 20mg as a starting dose!

01-02-14, 20:48
welcome zeitgeist, love the name, means spirit of the age doesn't it?

01-02-14, 21:15
Thanks, yes it derives from the German Geist - Spirit Zeit - time

01-02-14, 21:21
So how are you doing Z? early days with the cit. I have only been on it myself since october, and worked up gradually from 20 - 30 to 40 which I think is suiting me just fine rite now. I heard mitazipine makes you very sleepy, was that why you wasn't getting on with it?

01-02-14, 21:51
To be honest it was my first experience with Meds and I was really suffering, had been struggling on around 2-3 hours sleep per night for weeks. The Mirt helped with the sleep but I didn't seem to be getting better, indeed was deteriorating and I was seriously groggy in the morning.

Went to a different GP after around 8 weeks and had propanalol added which really helped in removing the worst of the physical anxiety symptoms. I was thinking hat was as good as it was going to get when I went to my GP and saw another new one who said he didn't believe that Mirtazapine really did anything and I should move onto Cit.

I wasn't really expecting much, but pretty much immediately it is having some effect, totally different to Mirtazapine. I am tending to find the morning good with the afternoon a pot luck of different side effects, today fairly tense and gritting teeth. The morning is odd though, only thing I can compare to is MDMAand I am nearly a complete novice with that.

I am debating whether it would be worth going further, feel better than I have in aong time, but no idea if I could be even better. Struggled for so many years on nothing I am finding it difficult to assess what good is.

03-02-14, 13:17
Last few days have been a bit more of a grind, honeymoon period I guess is over.

Tired very quickly and very tense /anxious, manageable though. Possibly as I have now stopped the Mirtazapine entirely I am seeing some effect from that.

04-02-14, 10:34
Definitely the Mirtazapine withdrawal, really hard to sleep last night without it and this morning was the worst I have felt in a long time until the cit an propanalol kicked in. Just starting to feel like my body is stopping clenching all muscles at once. Hope this doesn't go on for to long

05-02-14, 18:22
Woke up anxious again, took propanalol straight away rather than normal time, helped make the morning bearable so might shift that, irritating to have to wake up early to take Meds.

Felt crappy all morning but suspect I am coming down with Man Flu so probably that, hopefully the next few days will be easier, my early chipper ness has faded a fair bit.

05-02-14, 22:34
Hang in there Zei :)

06-02-14, 22:18
Cheers Marty,

Today has been up and down, panicky in morning and afternoon, but period of relative peace in the middle

06-02-14, 22:33
Hey Zei, it is a bit of a long road ahead so don't be too hard on yourself.

I had a bit of a crappy start to my day but I am feeling really ok now. I will be into week 8 on Monday (40mg) - I do feel a lot better so maybe even better to come? I remain hopeful :)

06-02-14, 23:12
I am seeing my doc on Monday, looking forwards to telling him that my resolve has held, despite him possibly understating the crapness I would be going through.

Had a nice email from someone from work today so has left me positive, have allowed myself a drink tonight as a bit of a celebration.

07-02-14, 09:21
Had a nice email from someone from work today so has left me positive, have allowed myself a drink tonight as a bit of a celebration.

Yes, allowing myself a glass or two of the red stuff tonight too!

Have a good weekend Zei, let us know how you get on with your GP on Monday.