View Full Version : Something feels wrong about my apparent abcess!

31-01-14, 20:37
Hi, will try to make this sound simple.

A couple of years ago I got an infection in my belly button (still dont know how, the Dr said at the time I might have scratched it in the shower). It took 2 lots of antibiotics and a cream to get rid of it, but still it has recurred since then and I just use the cream every now and then to take care of it.

Around a month ago I noticed something starting to swell just above my belly button and tried to dismiss it although it made me anxious. 2 days ago that swollen area got extremely painful. I went to the drs yesterday and he said it was bruised above my belly button, then felt it and said its an abcess. Now on antib's for a week, but the people Ive shown have said theyve never heard of that and that the bruise makes no sense!

Am scared its something worse, also the tablets havent helped yet.

31-01-14, 23:53
What do u think it could be? Plus if it's a bad infection it will take at least 2-3 days to even show signs of improving xx

01-02-14, 00:02
If it helps, I've heard of it...Have you ever had an abcess on your gum? (I've had several..bloody sore...) Same thing. Bacteria underneath the skin rather than on top of it.

Antibiotics sometimes take a few days to kick in, but if you get toward the end of the pack and you haven't noticed any difference, maybe go back to the doctor because it might be a different type of bacteria to what he is treating for and he'd have to try a different antibiotic. It'll probably go away, though.

01-02-14, 19:41
Hello, I had a infection a few years ago (twice in three months) because of the button on my jean as I am allergic to silver/nikel etc. after the second infection cleared I had a very sore bellybutton, it felt very tender to touch, I went back and doctor thought there was some lingering infection, changed my antibotics and it went and touch wood been fine since, you have to trust someone with a medical background. Give it a few days to kick in, if nothing then I agree go back to your gp. hope I helped a bit.

10-02-14, 17:58
Hi just wanted to say thank you for those replies, I know this was a week and a half ago but I've had all sorts of problems since then. I'm extremely anxious, not so much about the abscess which has almost gone now.

Has anyone had constipation caused by co-codamol and then had piles that are bleeding and bladder discomfort too? :ohmy: Urine test comes up clear so not a UTI but it just feels mildly irritated.

I'm so worried :(

18-02-14, 12:09
Sorry to bump this, thought it was a better idea than starting another new thread. Mt abscess went away after antibiotics but now I can feel a lump where it was before and its itchy, am wondering if its coming back and that its not actually an abscess but something worse!!

Also I am feeling dizzy, I am on propanolol and wonder if that can cause dizziness...or if its something else. My head is spinning and I am close to tears, very stressed and anxious and terrified :((

18-02-14, 12:29
If it went away after antibiotics it probably was an abcess. Can't imagine antibiotics would have much impact on anything more 'sinister' (antibiotics don't shrink tumours, for instance!) Even if it's coming back now it doesn't mean it wasn't one - might just mean you need some stronger antibiotics. You did finish the initial course of antibiotics you were given, right? The lump and itchiness might just be scarring - scars itch and scar tissue can feel lumpy. Just keep an eye on it and if you think it's getting worse, go back to the GP and they'll probably just give you more/stronger antibiotics.

By the way - the bladder discomfort you mentioned? I get bladder 'discomfort' when I'm constipated - I've always assumed it was your guts pressing on your bladder (because your guts are 'full', TMI). I have to pee more often when I'm constipated. And yes, co-codamol is a bugger for making you constipated, and constipation can cause piles. Get some prune juice down you!

Dizziness can be caused just by plain old anxiety. But yeah I think it's also a side effect of the propranolol!

18-02-14, 21:10
Emlica - you are an angel and have just helped me feel loads better!

That completely makes sense (why can't I think logically...) about the abscess not going away with antibiotics if it was something else. I did finish the course but I think there is something deep in my belly button that just keeps coming back and not sure what its going to take to kill it off! lol.

I stopped taking the co-codamol a couple of weeks ago now yet am still constipated and suffering from piles, and then that seems to keep causing thrush :/ I will go back to the doctors tomorrow if possible.

Thanks again for your reply :hugs: