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31-01-14, 23:26

I don't know where this has come from, but I'm becoming obsessive about food poisoning and chicken. I had chicken yesterday and immediately felt panicked afterwards because my friend said she had been ill after having chicken at this particular restaurant. It only occuref to me after I'd eaten it. I worried about it all the rest of the day (went for lunch there).
Tonight for dinner I had agreed to make homemade kievs for my family. Why I agreed to this after my chicken freakout yesterday I do not know. I prepared the raw chicken carefully as I always do and washed everything thoroughly. But I am finding myself increasingly worried that I've given us poisoning. The chicken was cooked, Infact it was a little overcooked, but I'm still worried. I'm also concerned about where this thinking is going. I don't want to add contamination issues to the list of anxieties. I sprayed all the taps and benches with the kitchen cleaner and wiped all the benches, but I keep thinking 'did you do it properly'. And even though I would consider the chicken to be a bit dry, I'm still thinking we might get poisoned from the juices that were in the casserole dish, even though it was all cooked for about 40 mins. These were chicken breasts. I even cut into the spare breast to make sure it all looked white and it did, but I'm still in an anxious state.

Does it sound as though I cooked it ok? I'm sorry, I know this sounds pathetic compared to other posts, including mine! But it's worrying me at the moment.

Any advice appreciated xx

31-01-14, 23:38
I prepared the raw chicken carefully as I always do and washed everything thoroughly. But I am finding myself increasingly worried that I've given us poisoning. The chicken was cooked, Infact it was a little overcooked, but I'm still worried. I'm also concerned about where this thinking is going. I don't want to add contamination issues to the list of anxieties. I sprayed all the taps and benches with the kitchen cleaner and wiped all the benches, but I keep thinking 'did you do it properly'. And even though I would consider the chicken to be a bit dry, I'm still thinking we might get poisoned from the juices that were in the casserole dish, even though it was all cooked for about 40 mins. These were chicken breasts. I even cut into the spare breast to make sure it all looked white and it did, but I'm still in an anxious state.

Does it sound as though I cooked it ok? I'm sorry, I know this sounds pathetic compared to other posts, including mine! But it's worrying me at the moment.

Any advice appreciated xx

Hey there LF,

I highlighted the answers to your worries above. As far as cleaning? I don't know if there's really an incorrect way other than not doing it at all.... I mean clockwise vs. counter-clockwise motions? ;)

Read back what you did and ask yourself if you really have anything to worry about :)

Positive thoughts

31-01-14, 23:56
Hi fishman.

Thank you as always for replying. I know it sounds silly, I don't know where I even come up with it.
Staying away from chicken for the foreseeable though! X

01-02-14, 00:17
Staying away from chicken for the foreseeable though! X

Noooooo! Avoiding it will make it worse! I challenge you to eat chicken until you can stand chicken no longer!

Having said that, this is a health anxiety I can finally relate to! I had this particular worry for years and still have it sometimes. For me it was because the first time I had a panic attack it began with severe stomach cramps and nausea/dizziness/feeling faint and feverish, so I initially thought I had food poisoning. The two feelings: Terror/panic and food poisoning just became associated.

Obviously, don't take risks with food, but the best way out of this is to get eating. Don't avoid eating anything, continue to cook food in the safe way you have described. Count the times you don't get ill. You just need to break the association.

01-02-14, 00:28
I agree with harasgenster... don't stop eating it! Why not make a nice chicken soup in the slow cooker. I'll send you an awesome recipe if you want! As a matter of fact, I think I just might do that tomorrow! It's been stupid cold around here and a nice crock pot full of chicken soup would do wonders for the soul. Chicken soup cure all that ails ya... It's Jewish penicillin if you will :) I'd be willing to wager it'll heal HA too ;)

Positive thoughts

01-02-14, 09:58
Thanks harasgenster. You're both right actually, I don't want to develop some sort of weird chicken phobia! It's strange how my little brain works. If I don't have a current fear that I'm really concerned about it's like I search one out!
Fishman, yes I would love you to send your recipe, the weather is awful here too. Chicken soup sounds good! X

01-02-14, 19:09
I can completely sympathize with this. Looking back this is where my HA started I think (I have emetophobia) I got into a viscous circle of cleaning everything, avoiding certain foods and obsessive hand washing. I'm slowly starting to get back to normal, mainly by distraction and logical thinking. You did everything right when preparing chicken, you will be absolutely fine, I promise!

Just work really hard at not letting the pesky 'what if' thoughts in (lol I'm a fine one to talk I know) and concentrate on the positive thoughts and don't let it become a 'thing' :)
