View Full Version : Stupid, stupid palpitations !!

01-02-14, 01:56
Well I have been on sertraline for just over 2 weeks apart from the first few days its seemed to be going ok moods been quite level infact iv been really chirpy in retrospect ! Then bang the palpitations started again they come on for a few weeks really quite bad then they bugger off for a few weeks! Really getting me down again because I worry about them not to mention they actually feel horrible ! That horrible jumpy feeling my heart feels like it does a mad flutter and I can feel it in my throat aswell it makes me jump and happens loads through a day! It's really upsetting

01-02-14, 07:52
its horrible i know, just read my posts. i lived with them from sept 2010 until sept 2012, with bigemy, never ever ending, skip pause! i saw the dr 12 times and he did nothing, he says he got them too. to make you feel better my dad in august had a cardiac arrest and heart attack, he made full recovery, but whilst in icu he was having skipped beats on the monitor, this was completely ignored and put down to normal heart functions! nothing to do with heart attacks etc. my mum also gets them. my dr says he sees on average 1 or 2 patients a week complaining of these!! nearly as common as a cold xx xxxxxxx

06-03-14, 20:10
I've been getting these for past year. It's horrible feeling isn't it but I don't really get them when I'm out and about, it's mainly at home. I keep thinking I havnt had one in hours then I get loads! I also worry the doc is wrong and missed something because I don't understand where they come from or what caused them? I've read lots of posts on here about ectopics and it seems like a lot of us get them and it's quite commen so we are all in it together x

Catherine S
06-03-14, 20:58
This is my main symptom too and drove me crazy for years until my doctor, who is also a sufferer, gave me beta blockers which have really more or less stopped them, and my doc takes them too! Loads of things can cause them to happen, and I've worked out over the years that anxiety isn't causing mine, its what I eat or drink, if I'm cold, or if I do any exercise they happen too. As has been said, they are so common as to be considered normal, its just that only some people can feel them happening. My hubby sometimes uses my BP monitor to test his reading...its always normal unlike mine...and sometimes these missed beats can be heard on the monitor but he can't feel them at all! So not fair!

06-03-14, 21:00

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