View Full Version : Bad migraine, really scared

01-02-14, 05:19
I've been having visual symptoms the past month that have been really freaking me out. I also had one really bad migraine where my neck went stiff and I felt like I could barely speak afterwards. Well I had a bad fight with my parents earlier and triggered a headache from crying. I took paracetamol but it just kept getting worse and now my eye is really burning where I get the visual disturbances and my forehead too. When I move around, my head throbs with my pulse. Really worrying.

Really I should be taking neurofen because it works better for headaches for me, but I'm afraid I have a swollen aneurysm and neurofen might make it bleed :wacko:

01-02-14, 07:46
youve not got an aneurisym! its been brought only stress and tears.just take ibroprofen or nurofeen. my hubby suffers all the time with them, the drs wont do anything xx

01-02-14, 11:59
I get bad headaches from crying. I had a big fight with my older brother recently and I cried for like 2 hours then I got a terrible migraine. It's normal.

01-02-14, 12:30
No aneurysm, definitely. Slight touch of head and neck anxietitis is my bet ;)

Daisy Sue
01-02-14, 22:23
You could try putting a cold wet flannel on your forehead, then on the back of your neck - it does help me when I get bad migraines or headaches.

01-02-14, 22:57
The reason it hurts so bad is because your sinuses are inflamed from crying, and the muscles in your jaw, face, head and neck are likely tense from the stress.

It's either triggered the migraine symptoms or TMJ symptoms, both of which can cause the visual symptoms youve posted about here.

The best thing you can do is release the stress and muscle tension as much as you can. Warm facecloths or a heat pack on your muscles should help, as would a hot bubble bath and some form of relaxation.

02-02-14, 07:14
Thanks for the replies! After taking a second dose of paracetamol (after four hours) it eventually went away. I should have done the cold cloth thing actually; I'll try to remember for again.

This neuro anxiety is just ruling and tormenting me atm when I have things I really need to do, and it's stopping me doing my exercises for my autonomic condition. I'm going back to the doc on Monday. The vein in my eye that appeared shortly after the visual stuff is starting to encircle my iris now and the vision stuff is just worse if anything. I've given it weeks and it isn't any better. Even if it is 'just' constant migraine, something needs to be done about it anyway.

02-02-14, 09:01
If it is chronic migraine there is actually a lot that can be done, and usually the very first line of treatment is stuff that you do yourself at home like sticking to a regular sleeping schedule, avoiding caffeine completely and making sure you exercise and drink enough water (migraine brains need a lot of water).

I suggest you have a read of these articles, you might find them very interesting, especially the first one which goes into a lot of detail about the different ways that chronic migraine presents itself.



http://www.mvertigo.org/articles/Nicholas_migraine.pdf - there's a lot of information on chronic migraine towards the end of the article, written by one of the top doctors in the UK who deals with this type of health problem.