View Full Version : Problem with sinus?

01-02-14, 10:21
Hi All,

I would love to hear your thoughts / suggestions / advice on my panic attack symptoms. They seem to come in waves with me. My panic attack always happens when I'm travelling to/from work and on the train too.

Symptoms: tense sinus, occasional headache in the sinus, sinus pressure, dizzy when standing up, dizzy when walking to station, fear of being unable to move, derealisation, can't focus right, feel the lights are too bright on the train, I always get very dizzy when I go from the street down to the Underground train and it really disorients me - each day I feel like I'm going to faint or loose control.

A part of me feels as if it is sinus related, as I stay in my air conditioned office for 8 hours and once I set off walking down the road, I get pressure building up in my sinus and by the time I go underground I go all dizzy, hazy and disoriented. My heart then starts to race and I start getting derealisation as soon as I make it to the platform and on the Underground train. I'm only travelling on it for 2 stops and then I get the overground home. By the time I get on my overground train I'm usually feeling better.

Does anyone else get this sinus related problem? The temperature seems to affect me along with lights. I also hate it when it rains, or about to, as it makes the scene aroubd me feel unreal.

Would love to hear your advice or similar feelings.

Milk x

05-02-14, 09:51
Hi, sinus and anxiety are linked for me in that one sets the other off and visa versa! The pressure and dizzy feeling can trigger anxiety and the tension of anxiety tensing up head and neck muscles can make a sinus problem a whole lot worse. Once I accepted the sinus for what it was and I wasn't going to fall over or pass out there was improvement. On a practical level a whiff of good old fashioned Mackenzie's smelling salts before going on the tube can help. The bottle is tiny and easy to sniff unnoticed. A few drops of peppermint or lemon on a tissue is clearing and a good distraction. My sinus is pretty much sorted now with the help of Vogels Plantago remedy and Sinuforce spray, both herbal and natural. :) x

05-02-14, 10:09
hi i had sinus problems but non anxiety related

itchy nose one always blocked etc constanst snuffling

if it helps go to the docs and he will prescribe you a beconase but its the powerfuller one to the otc once works very well has a pale brown label white bottle


06-02-14, 13:09
Hi there,
I have the same thing, my sinuses are always congested no matter what and that makes me think I can't breathe and then goes the anxiety! My doctor doesn't want me taking anyone of the good decongestants since they can increase your heart rate and make you anxious more, but not taking them isn't doing me much good either.
And rainy days are the worst!!