View Full Version : fear of diahorrea

20-11-06, 15:40
hey sorry this is kind of a gross fear. there are lots of posts and helpful ideas on here for people with emetophobia (fear of vomiting) which i also have, but does anyone else share the fear of diahorrea? damnation i wish that didnt rhyme!



20-11-06, 15:59
Hey there,
I had a recent phobia/OCD fixation on weeing myself in public, which I posted a lot about here. I ended up going to the doctor out of fear of being incontinence and walked out with a perscription for sertraline and a recommendation to go back to CBT!
The very fact it's so socially damning is why it was so upsetting! Do you fear it happening in public? Or just the experience itself?
Remember it's extremely unlikely you would get at attack when you couldn't get to the loo in time (only extreme illness or severe food poisoning - in which case a bit of bowell trouble would be the least of your worries). You can always take an immodium or carry them round with you if you're really worried about an unexpected attack.
L x

20-11-06, 16:29
hehehe I already carry immodium with me just in case! my whole problem stems from food poisoning, which ive had a few times. i do fear it happening in public - however this isnt what haunts me, its more the whole experience - as i explain in another post - i think its all about a fear of not being in control, and rarely are you less in control than when you have sickness and or diahorrea!
just thought it would be a good idea to post this, id like to hear others ideas of how best to cope - as there were no recent topics on this subject it might help more people who are shyer (is that even a word?) about fears of such things



20-11-06, 16:54
Hi Vix
Have the same fear, I do suffer from what they think is IBS, waiting to go into hospital for a biopsy of my colon just to make sure. I can have it from anything from twice to ten times a day, but I am sure it it is all down to my anxiety, the more anxious I am the worse it is.
If I know I have to be out for a long length of time I usually take an imodium instant b4 I go and I always carry them with me just incase.
I always check out where the nearest toilet is also just incase, but more often than not I don't need it, its just the fear of being caught short. But if you think about it 99 out of 100 times you get some warning that u need to go and you will make it to the toilet.
Sorry if this hasn't been much help.


20-11-06, 17:59
jane. please never think replying is unhelpful or a waste of time. often getting a reply on here, even if its just an "I know what you are going through" can help get someone through a bad time. one of the worst things about anxiety seems to be its ability to isolate. while we may not come across many others with the same problems in our day to day lives, this site lets us see WE ARE NOT ALONE!!!

21-11-06, 00:33
hi phoenix,
i know exactly wot you mean and my problem is aggravated big time by fear of public loos!!! trust me. think i should buy shares in immodium. does anyone know if its bad for you to take immodium to often?

21-11-06, 15:07
hey scaredycat
i wouldnt reccommend taking immodium too often. the info in the pack will tell you more, tho i am sure they never envisioned people like us who would take it as a preventative rather than a cure!!! Be careful tho if you, like me pick up on things you have read and incorporate them into your worries, as the "sideeffects" leaflets included with medicines hold may terrors which rarely happen, but those of us with health anxieties will instantly obsess over!!!
while i carry it with me, generally i find i have to buy a new pack because they have run out of date, rather than because i have needed to use them all.
its things like this i think we have to be very careful of, as it sounds like taking the immodium is part of your way of dealing with the anxiety, rather than from physical symptoms of diahorrea. Its the way we deal with our anxieties that we have to change, as over time, they become a crutch its very very hard to do without, and the crutch itself becomes the problem.
at least thats what i understand from my CBT. carry them by all means as it gives you comfort and reassurance that if the worst does happen, there is something quick and effective that you can do about it. but try not to take anything unless you have real symptoms - (not those our imaginations tell us we have!!!) that way you cant suffer anything from over use. the worst part is the waiting. if you can manage to do without you get a chance to see that there wasnt anything wrong in the first place, which is the only way to beat these anxieties, as the reassurance of the pill keeps you in the fear cycle. (mental image of a terifying bicycle)
if after waiting, you are ill, then you take the immodium, at the time it was intended to be taken!

if you think i am talking out of my hat, or would just like to talk some more, PM me.


25-11-06, 23:22
Hiya folks

I dont necessarily have a fear of diarrhoea but I do experience during my panic that I will 'poo my pants' (that is the most polite way I can put it!!!). To me, I know that what I am experiencing is total fear, and panic, when that symptom arrises, and I know where the term 'shi**ing yourself' comes from now!!

It has never actually happened to me but I have experienced the feeling of fear of it happening so many times. I will go to the loo, nothing there, return to the 'situation where I panic' and it immediately returns and I am totally unable to relax until I get out of the situation. It is not the only sympton I have, but it is the only symptom that I never admitted to having.

Unfortunately I experience this in many situations, and I have managed to cope with it by avoiding as much as possible, to the point where I have isolated myself, and rarely go anywhere where I have to stay for more than a few minutes.

The worst thing to do I know. I tried CBT, but with the best will in the world, I just struggle to believe I will ever be able to face my fears in order to get over them. I know I will not die, or go mad, or poo my pants, but I am still afraid of these things. Mad aint it!!

Sorry to waffle!

26-11-06, 08:00
Hi all,

this is an interesting thread.....one of the symptoms I get when stressed is the urgent need to 'go' ( you know what I mean). And it is very urgent. Sometimes I wonder if I have a touch of irritable bowel disease...the cramps are awful. Its most noticeabe when I have to go to the supermarket which I absolutely hate....then I imagine everyones watching as I sprint off to the loo (and oh my god what if theyre out of order...which thankfully they never have been!!!)

I had a horrible experience very recently....I went to a huge concert (Robbie actually)...was delighted that I managed to go. Then towards the end realised I was in the middle of about 50,000 people on the pitch and the stomach churning started. I had no way of getting out and once we were out of the stadium there were no public toilets. There was a 24hr asda but they closed the shop and wouldnt let anyone in. I was almost in tears, sweating etc, the stomach pains were awful as was the terrifying thought that I really wasnt in control and would disgrace myself in front of thousands of people. I dont think I'll ever be able to go to anything like that again.

Coni X

01-12-06, 11:43
coni you did sooooo well to go!!! your experience is a perfect example of how i think our fears affect us. everything is hunkydory untill you realise you are doing something where you would normal freak out, triggering a freak out. the really REALLY important thing to remember is that you went there. YOU DID IT! your troubles only started when you thought about them. please please remember that up until you thought about them, you were fine!!! and hopefully enjoying yourself!
yes the fears are horrible, but would you really have forgone the experience of the concert? as hard as it is, you ahve just got to try and remember (oh so difficult to do in the middle of a freakout) that seconds ago you were FINE. the fears should then receede a bit, as it is a real life example of them being "all in the mind" its going to take some practice, but please dont let your fears stop you doing things you love, as you have just proved, YOU CAN STILL DO THEM!



08-12-06, 19:42
hi i used to have this phobia as well sometimes it still comes back i used to go sometimes up to 6 times in the mornings before i went to work in case i got caught short i dont really like going on other toilets unless i have to its bad at times as sometimes theres no toilets about i work in the building trade, i know this is sad but sometimes i used to take a spare pair of pants with me in case i followed through! it can be anightmare diorhorreat cant it?

09-12-06, 10:05
Hi Vix,

thanks for your response...what you say makes perfect sense, although I still think I would think twice about anything like that again (or maybe the memorys still too recent lol!) I wish there was a way to stop your body responding physically to these thoughts....but then I suppose that would be the answer to a lot of our problems eh?

Thanks again

Coni X

12-12-06, 18:26
Coni, i think that maybe its good that you do something - go to a situation that would scare you while this recent experience (where you were FINE) is still fresh in your mind. over time - maybe its just me and my weird memory - but things can seem even worse from a distance, as all i remember is the fear and terror bits, and fail to recall that either i was fine, or that i got through it. get that CBT going and get out there!

p.s. im already worrying about xmas eve meal out with friends incase i get ill from something ive eaten and it ruins xmas. oh the joys of anxiety!

Mick - better safe than sorry i would say! xxx

pink lady 1
28-12-06, 20:33
Hi all,

This website has been a godsend. Such a relief to know other people have the same issues I do, not that I like to think of anyone else suffering with this irrational and humilitating phobia.

I can empathise with all your messages. For me its definitely the fear of not getting to the toilet in time and soiling myself in public - I can put up with most other anxiety symtoms but this one is unbearable, irrational and embarrassing.

My main symptoms/issues are:

1. Need to go whenever I dont know where the nearest toilet is
2. Worse in traffic jams, queues in shops, meetings
3. Need to go as soon as someone else has gone into the bathroom
4. Take immodium whenever I feel unsure about a situation
5. Try not to go on public transport, trains OK if there is a toilet
6. Dont eat much during the day if out and about
7. Hate having someone else in my car or being a passenger in someone elses car, my need to go is always 100% worse if i am with someone else, as so scared of making a fool of myself in front of someone - use avoidance techniques/white lies all the time with friends and colleagues!
8. Have to sit near the door in meetings, courses, cinema (if i agree to go)
9. Have to force myself to go in the mornings before leaving the house, even if i sit there for 20 mins
10. Always feel worse in the mornings than in the evenings

.....I could probably go on. The worst thing is I have had 2 accidents now (very small ones, not full blown soiling if you know what I mean) - this just reinforces the fact that I know i can make myself go and an accident is possible if i dont get there in time!

Tried Cipramil for 5 days but couldnt handle the side effects, have tried hypnotherapy, use bach rescue remedy, have regular reflexology and massages, try to exercise and eat healthily, have had CBT and so far havent found anything that works....does anyone else feel any of the above and know of any remedies i could try?

Sorry for rambling but its such a relief to get it all out and admit it to people who understand....


29-12-06, 16:03
the whole toilet thing was a cause of me getting agrophobia . i have IBs and many years ago i did have an accident in public , then i moved towns and this town has one toilet that is right at the other side of town , which i cant walk that far any ways none of the shops have public toilets so it was yet another reason for me to stay home . the pain and embarrasement are huge , however the chemist now sells an over the counter IBS remedy i tried it twice and it works , maybe i should try taking it with me when i go out , might reduce the anxiety.

bb natty

29-12-06, 19:49
I love this thread - I have to know there is a loo cos' like Freaked'Out I think I am going to poop myself. It becomes all mind consuming in that if I haven't pooped at home then I can't go out because I must need to poop.


I have never tried Imodium. Can you get back your 'normal' poop routing after taking them?

pink lady 1
29-12-06, 19:50
Hi Natty, yes why dont you give that a try, or do you take imodium or does that make your IBS worse? I havent got to the stage where i am agrophobic, but i am better some days than others and dont want to let it beat me, easier said than done though! I can pretty much do most things if i take imodium as a precaution, its like a security blanket and then i dont get as anxious.

Was my first day back at work today though and got so anxious in the car, got butterflies all the way (an hours drive) and i mistake butterflies for needing the loo, which made me more anxious, then felt sick and legs go jelly - just have to try and talk myself out of it...got there in one piece but just hate all this fighting with myself in my head all the time!


pink lady 1
29-12-06, 19:53
HI Samc100, i totally empathise with you!! Imodium is a god send for me. It slows down your gut and in effect makes you constipated, I am always back to normal the next day, think it takes awhile if your new to taking it, but i dont think you would have any trouble going.....just might take a little longer! Give it a go, it gives you piece of mind.


29-12-06, 20:09
I'll be at the chemists tomorrow!

And where is Ellen? She loves a good thread about pooping, it's our obsession.

14-01-07, 11:27
Hi, if you are on this site because you are phobic, thats one thing, but if you have any inclinations toward OCD, i really really would try to keep going without the immodium.
yes, its a security blanket, i carry some with me at all times when im going out, without having to actually take it.
but this is a step you shouldnt take if you can avoid it. its one of those reassurance tactics you have to work so hard in CBT to do without. if you can manage without, you are one step ahead of those of us who do carry it as a comfort / reassurance.
If you need the support, then carry some, but i wouldnt take it as a preventative if you dont need it. you may build up a resistance / become to acclimatised to its effects so it wont work when you actually need it.

hope this helps.

please dont go down the road of reassurance tactics... its so BL**DY HARD to claw your way back up!
