View Full Version : Scared need reassurance pls

01-02-14, 12:41
Been having on and off stomach pain for a while now, went for scan last year which detected gallstones, but the pain I have now is very low right shooting pain, I think I might have an ovarian cyst or something more sinister : (( just so fed up of worrying. Has anyone had an ovarian cyst if so what we're your symptoms ?

01-02-14, 12:59
Gallstones can be quite painful. If you had a cyst it would make your cycles painful and/or irregular.

01-02-14, 13:14
Thanks RoseEve I've had the marina coil for 5years so haven't had a period in that time. Just keep getting shooting pains low down , I think it might be coming from my ovaries, just can't cope well with medical problems, I get so scared when I go to drs or sent for tests : (

01-02-14, 13:14
Hi just posted a thread exactly the same I have low right pain and am convinced its ovarian cysts and I am so scared I am having a scan on 13th even though I had one just over 6 months ago and all was ok, how long have you been getting these pains I have had them for years on and off but lately so worried and feel like getting them alot more when I worry which at minute is all the time, I hate this ha its exhausting. toria x

01-02-14, 13:23
Hi toria, I know exactly what u mean, to be honest I've been having pain on & off for a couple of years, from pain in my lower right side, back pain, thigh pain, hip pain, sometimes I get pressure pain when I go for a wee, sometimes I get pain in my upper right side which was diagnosed with gall stones, but dr didn't scan pelvis, just can't bring myself to go all through those tests and worry again. What symptoms do u have? How long for? I've got stabbing pains today lower right side : ( just fed up now.

01-02-14, 13:54
Hi I am exactly the same aches and pains all over the right side just like you my docs always say ibs but I seem to get the pains often but other ibs symptoms only now and again, yes my pains today are like a stabbing been getting these lower pains like this for a couple of months but like I said I have been getting them that long its hard to determine one ache from another, it seems to move around abit as well not very easy as well to pin point a exactly spot and I am always pressing the area so that doesn't help, have you had any problems with periods mine are fairly regular but a couple of weeks ago did get a very slight bit of spotting for a day which I have not had before did have swabs and all fine now just ultrasound app, I am like you very scared of this symptom, I am thinking ovarian cancer or cysts but my ha is through the roof. X toria x

01-02-14, 14:12
I know exactly how u feel it's just really crappy and take over ur life, I have had the marina coil for 5 years which stops ur periods, but about 3 months ago I started to spot it only lasted for half a day, but nothing since, the pain I've got as we are speaking is like a knife digging in and twisting it goes away for 30 mins or so then comes back it's right above my pubic hair line is , I think the ovaries are in that area, I really do think its a cyst or even something worse , the only thing that makes me feel slightly better is that I've been having pain on & off for a couple of years and if it was o/c I think I would be really poorly by now. I had some routine blood tests that we're ok, just hoping it their was something more sinister something would of shown up not right in blood tests. Please keep in touch & let me know how scan goes, it's good to reassure each other x x

01-02-14, 14:29
Hi sorry did read that you had mirena coil so don't no why I asked, thats what I keep thinking had thses pains awhile and had blood tests like you so even my doc said something serious would show up but so hard when you have these pains to think positive, like you edging towards cysts mine is like you just above pubic hair line but also below as well really low down its like where your knickers are all area if that makes sense I will keep in touch and you as well and let me no how you are x toria x

01-02-14, 14:39
Yeh I've had pain that low down too & sometimes an ache all over right hand side, does it sometimes hurt u to go to to toilet? Theirs not many days that pass where I don't get some kind of stomach pain on right hand side, it's playing havoc with my love life too, as I find intercourse makes pain worse, my poor hubby : ( think I have such bad HA it makes everything worse. X x

01-02-14, 15:25
Hi yes it does sometime hurt when I go to the toilet, I also find it uncomfortable sometimes during intercourse and even the day after do you get that my husband not impressed either lol as I try to avoid just incase its uncomfortable, are you having any cbt for heatht anxiety I have just started x

01-02-14, 15:37
No haven't had any cbt, what does it involve? Just fed up of worrying all the time tho, I can cope with most things apart from when it's to do with anything that concerns health problems, I'm terrible for googling it too, everything leads to the big C with google, x x

01-02-14, 15:53
Only just started cbt had a couple of sessions it's about changing the way you think it's supposed to help with health anxiety ask your doctor they referred me, I am the same so sick of worrying about health things and thinking the worse like you cancer I can also cope with other things but not health things, any help any time please get in touch I am here to help x toria

01-02-14, 16:00
Ahh thanks me too, sometimes it's good to talk, anytime u need to off load x x

01-02-14, 16:26
Thanks xx

02-02-14, 17:07
Hi toria how you feeling today? X x

02-02-14, 17:53
Hi maybrooke thanks for asking was going to post and ask how you where, I am ok my aches seems to have moved now and its more over towards hip and down to groin it so frustrating I just want it to go it more a ache as well today, how are you doing x

02-02-14, 18:11
I get that in hip too, does it feel like a pulling sensation? My pain hasn't been to bad today, but I've taken pain killers every 4 hrs, but it will be back as it always does, it's just a worry all the time, my mind always comes back to worrying over this nagging pain. X x

02-02-14, 18:21
Hi yes its like a pulling feeling its so hard to no if its muscular or its something else can you get long term muscular problems, does the area hurt when you press it cause mine doesn't really or when I sneeze or cough it so weird to describe but like you said it is nagging more than a bad pain, think I am going to take the painkillers every 4 hours to see if it help I also put a hot water bottle on my side which does help a bit, x

02-02-14, 18:49
Doesn't really hurt when I press area, but it does ache if I've been prodding. Are you having the same pain now as you was b4 u had ur scan last time? X x

02-02-14, 19:01
I think they are very similar but think with my health anxiety I am thinking are they different this time, do you mind me asking how old you are and have you got children I am 36 and got 2 kids so spend a lot of time lifting the little one up x

02-02-14, 19:35
I'm 43 have 1 daughter she's 18 now, I know I'm not going through the menopause yet as I had some hormone tests last year, I'm convinced I've got an ovarian cyst as I seem to have a lot of the symptoms , I went to the drs about this time last yr with the same type of pain she felt my stomach and said all felt ok, but referred me for an abdominal scan which scanned kidneys, liver, pancreas & bladder, but she didn't scan pelvis. The outcome of the scan was I had gallstones, which I was just pleased to know I hadn't got the big c , dr sent me for blood tests fbc, liver kidneys, thyroid & a load of hormone tests which all came back clear. Really don't want to go for more tests, then worrying about tests results, just don't cope with it all : ( x x

02-02-14, 20:21
I do no what you mean about the waiting for results its agony but then for me its the not knowing and I need to go even though I am scared of the possible outcome, you do sound like you have had plenty of tests and things have been fine, I have also had loads of tests and dr felt my stomach alot and not felt anything but for me at the minute its not enough and I need to no for certain. X

02-02-14, 20:28
Yeh I know what u mean, I'm gonna have to go back to drs if it keeps happening, you take care and keep me updated , but definitely taking pain killers help, but really don't want to have to keep taking them. X x

02-02-14, 20:42
Thank you so much it helps so much knowing someone understand even though its not in nice circumstances if you no what I mean, please keep me updated as well you could send me a private message if you like I will keep you updated as well, count down to scan week on Thursday, if painkillers give you relief for now take them they say you can take them for a few days see how you go take care xx