View Full Version : surprised myself by not visting dr google with this

01-02-14, 15:45
As some of you know i have been having some very scary symptoms recently. chest/heart related concerns. Well what really makes me think this is seprate from my HA is that i have not googled my symptoms at all like i have done in the past. 'googled mouth ulcer spent next month convinced i had mouth cancer' im not sure why i havent googled yet i cant really explain it. i guess i just dont want to make a already depressing situation worse..

01-02-14, 16:22
I actually just think you are showing steps of progression in your recovery! Isn't it possible that deep down you know that you are suffering from acute anxiety symptoms, and that you are showing the self control to keep from googling- because your rational side is winning right now? That on some level you are actually accepting the "anxiety diagnosis" that you have been given on multiple levels?.....And, if this is the case, my friend, congratulations are in order-- because you are getting better-- even if you don't realize it!

01-02-14, 16:22
That's good though surely?

I don't know exactly what your symptoms are but remember that whilst chest/heart symptoms can be indicative of a problem, they are far more likely to be caused by anxiety.

A tip I try to remember which my CBT therapist told me is if the compulsion to google is such that I have to do it, try putting something constructive in that won't bring up horror stories.

So for example if I had a stomach ache instead of just putting in stomach ache and getting hundreds of answers that say cancer, liver disease etc etc, I would put in Stomach ache IBS that way I'm far more likely to get benign conditions come back. So if you had put in mouth ulcer/ stress/run down, it would far more likely come back that it's a common condition caused by numerous benign things like injury, being under the weather etc, rather than the more unlikely scenario of mouth cancer.

Just wanted to share that with you, personally if you haven't googled I would give yourself a pat on the back that is a good thing!:yesyes: