View Full Version : bruising?? Please help :(

01-02-14, 19:02
Hello again,

I thought I was doing so well and I'm here posting again! Although it's not about moles (just about got that panic under control for now)

I've been noticing a lot recently I seem to get quite a few bruises.. Most aren't really big or anything (usually on my legs, sometimes on my arms) And I've course my brain has jumped to lymphoma or cancer like that (refusing to google) I bashed my arm near the elbow yesterday and have a really big scary looking bruise coming now.

I don't know whether I'm just clumsy (I want to think that but my brain / HA won't let me think that)

I feel like I shouldnt go back to my doctor (I've been so so many times recently, I could tell my Dr was a bit sick of seeing me last time)

I just don't know what to think, I'm so scared all the time! I'm trying to hard to keep distracted as well.

Am I being stupid?

01-02-14, 19:12
Don't worry, I bruise a lot of my legs at the moment, are you on any medication? :)

01-02-14, 19:13
No, I've been on the pill for years but came off a couple of weeks ago - apart from that nothing.

So scared!

01-02-14, 19:21
Don't be scared, I'm sure your doctor would of found something if you had been as many times as you've said :D

I don't know anything about the pill, but perhaps coming off of it after so long may make it easier for you too bruise, but I'm not sure. To be honest you've probably just been a little clumsy!

01-02-14, 23:48
I've got loads of little pin prick red dots on my chest and arms as well. Argh I just feel convinced it must be leukemia I'm so scared!


01-02-14, 23:58
I have them, I usually notice them where there are little hairs and when I'm warm, are you sure they haven't been there forever?

I've had multiple blood tests done and they were fine, so I'm sure you are :)

02-02-14, 18:11
Thanks for replying LunaLiuna :)

The problem with me is I don't think I have a very reliable (or confident) brain. I can't reliably say if I've always been prone to bruises and that's why I have them.. Or whether I've suddenly started getting them. Likewise I don't feel I could confidently say whether these pin prick thingys have been there for ages or not! Or am I just picking up on things because of my HA?

I've been getting random bruises (on my legs, mainly) for possibly a year or so maybe more (I THINK?!) I keep trying to tell myself there would be more wrong with me by now?

Argh. I just don't know whether this is something I need to see a Dr about!

Sorry I went off on a bit of a ramble there!

02-02-14, 18:14
Thanks for replying LunaLiuna :)

The problem with me is I don't think I have a very reliable (or confident) brain. I can't reliably say if I've always been prone to bruises and that's why I have them.. Or whether I've suddenly started getting them. Likewise I don't feel I could confidently say whether these pin prick thingys have been there for ages or not! Or am I just picking up on things because of my HA?

I've been getting random bruises (on my legs, mainly) for possibly a year or so maybe more (I THINK?!) I keep trying to tell myself there would be more wrong with me by now?

Argh. I just don't know whether this is something I need to see a Dr about!

Sorry I went off on a bit of a ramble there!

Exactly. If you had leukaemia, there would be a lot more wrong with you. Since you don't-there isn't. :)

02-02-14, 19:28
Get them all the time little bruises haven't a clue what they are

06-02-14, 17:28
Exactly. If you had leukaemia, there would be a lot more wrong with you. Since you don't-there isn't. :)

Thanks Andrash, I always appreciate you taking the time to reply to me.. I think I need to print them out and stick them on my wall!

06-02-14, 19:27
Have you been tested for vitamin B12 deficiency? Can cause these symptoms as well as cognitive problems like fuzzy brain.

07-02-14, 21:44
I just watched someone die of blood cancer.

The bruises? well they are nothing like you have ever seen (unless you have seen someone with blood cancer) they were huge, some the size of a fist. Almost black looking and just very very big.

Also, they had a lot of indentations in them, like a strawberry pattern.

You are fine :)