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View Full Version : chest pain in time with heartbeat

01-02-14, 19:17
Just had a chest pain on my right side that went along with my heartbeat..must of lasted around ten seconds. So scared..might phone a ambulance

01-02-14, 19:20
Kurtis, if it weren't for the consensus of your doctors and the tests you have had that your heart is fine- I wouldn't be so confident in saying (in my non-medical opinion- although, you aren't accepting the medical opinions anyway) that you are dealing with acute anxiety symptoms.
Muscle spasms in the chest wall caused by excess adrenaline.

I am not sure what else I can say as you are not to the point of accepting what your medically, professionally given diagnosis is. Until you do, I am so sad to say that you will most likely continue to suffer.

01-02-14, 19:39
Just had a chest pain on my right side that went along with my heartbeat..must of lasted around ten seconds. So scared..might phone a ambulance

So they can check you out and tell you you're Ok...... again? I'm afraid I have to agree with Too Much here. A ten second burst of chest niggles doesn't warrant an emergency, especially in light of just having a clear ECG/EKG the other day.

Positive thoughts